Message from @Napoleon

Discord ID: 789205413848678420

2020-12-17 18:57:47 UTC

2020-12-17 18:58:04 UTC  

I would recommend that yall stop showing your guns in this server cuz this server is probably on a watchlist and the feds overseeing the server are waiting for any excuse at all to take your guns

2020-12-17 18:58:27 UTC  


2020-12-17 18:58:30 UTC  


2020-12-17 18:58:39 UTC  


2020-12-17 18:59:19 UTC  

musket warfare is the future for bongs

2020-12-17 18:59:29 UTC  

How can I import one, into Scotland?

2020-12-17 18:59:34 UTC  

<:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824> <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824> <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824>

2020-12-17 18:59:44 UTC  

say it's a hobby

2020-12-17 18:59:54 UTC  


2020-12-17 18:59:56 UTC  

Black powder firearms are illegal in nyc

2020-12-17 18:59:59 UTC  

Its such a fucking joke

2020-12-17 19:00:00 UTC

2020-12-17 19:00:01 UTC  

Get a 3D printer lmaoo

2020-12-17 19:00:10 UTC  

Grooming gang hunting hobby, will do me fine

2020-12-17 19:00:13 UTC  


2020-12-17 19:00:29 UTC  

Liberals say the 2nd ammendment was meant for muskets

2020-12-17 19:00:35 UTC  

Then why tf are muskets banned in nyc

2020-12-17 19:00:52 UTC  

They use that, as a lie to cover their ways

2020-12-17 19:01:13 UTC  

They want to remove all of our weapons

2020-12-17 19:01:15 UTC  

embrace tradition anglo

2020-12-17 19:01:29 UTC  

Because they want to get rid of the second amendment and reach gun laws that are even more extreme than the ones in the UK

2020-12-17 19:01:40 UTC  


2020-12-17 19:01:41 UTC  

This includes knives

2020-12-17 19:01:43 UTC  

Come and take them!

2020-12-17 19:02:01 UTC  

Anglos be like

2020-12-17 19:02:02 UTC  

I like the uniforms in that pic

2020-12-17 19:02:05 UTC  


2020-12-17 19:02:23 UTC  

You deleted you fag!

2020-12-17 19:02:25 UTC  


2020-12-17 19:02:33 UTC  

yeah ofc you retard

2020-12-17 19:02:49 UTC  

saying hes gonna use a weapon somebody dumb niggers

2020-12-17 19:03:14 UTC  

It was bantz, you nigger

2020-12-17 19:03:16 UTC  


2020-12-17 19:03:22 UTC  

doesnt matter nigger

2020-12-17 19:03:42 UTC