Message from @Napoleon

Discord ID: 789602876963553292

2020-12-18 21:12:02 UTC

2020-12-18 21:12:22 UTC  

niggas be like "yea im anti intellectual" then proceed to discuss esoteric political theory for 3 hours online

2020-12-18 21:12:26 UTC

2020-12-18 21:12:51 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:13:08 UTC  

Virgin Kim Jong Un starves his people due to negligence

Chang Pol Pot starved his people on purpose

2020-12-18 21:13:51 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:13:55 UTC  

Both are Gooks

2020-12-18 21:14:03 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:14:35 UTC  

why does beardson looks like santa

2020-12-18 21:14:35 UTC  

Imagine not wanting to go back to the Stone Age.

2020-12-18 21:14:42 UTC  

Thers one guy that did not even need to kill anybody to have 6 million deaths on his record.

2020-12-18 21:15:23 UTC  

Did hitler put his enemies skulls on display? I think not

2020-12-18 21:16:55 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:17:30 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:17:54 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:18:47 UTC

2020-12-18 21:18:52 UTC  

why does this retard brag about the worse thing of the trump admin

2020-12-18 21:19:23 UTC  

Guys, I have recieved an invite into a server called "Elite Chefs"

2020-12-18 21:19:35 UTC  

Should we do a little bit of, redpilling?

2020-12-18 21:19:50 UTC  

@Napoleon Because those are his favorite policies of his

2020-12-18 21:19:55 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:21:45 UTC

2020-12-18 21:22:20 UTC  

Wtf are the quality of the memes becoming?

2020-12-18 21:22:26 UTC  

<:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824> <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824> <:aaaaaaaaaa:786143233432223824>

2020-12-18 21:22:47 UTC  

one of the most based films of all time

2020-12-18 21:22:52 UTC  

Nigger films?

2020-12-18 21:22:55 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:23:12 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:23:52 UTC  

basically a young groyper becomes senator and begins challenging the system

2020-12-18 21:24:07 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:24:19 UTC  

And calls (((them))) out?

2020-12-18 21:24:27 UTC  

<:jewnose1:786382699169710110> <:jewnose2:786382672230350849>

2020-12-18 21:24:30 UTC  

<:jewnose1:786382699169710110> <:jewnose2:786382672230350849> <:jewnose1:786382699169710110> <:jewnose2:786382672230350849> <:jewnose1:786382699169710110> <:jewnose2:786382672230350849> <:jewnose1:786382699169710110>

2020-12-18 21:24:32 UTC  


2020-12-18 21:24:47 UTC  

*️⃣ <:jewnose1:786382699169710110><:jewnose2:786382672230350849>

2020-12-18 21:25:20 UTC  

he calls out the bankers and special interest lobbying senators

2020-12-18 21:25:39 UTC  

Sounds very based

2020-12-18 21:25:48 UTC  

on top the smear campaign against him by the media

2020-12-18 21:26:42 UTC  

Oh shit