Message from @Robo

Discord ID: 790292677341085717

2020-12-20 18:56:21 UTC  

Lmao, how fucked of them

2020-12-20 18:56:31 UTC  

The martial law would only be necessary if unrest got bad enough

2020-12-20 18:56:45 UTC  

If anyone is going to the rally on January 6th, we need to spread the word that Donald Trump must use the insurrection act

2020-12-20 18:57:05 UTC  

Get people to chant it and get Nick to bring it up in his speech

2020-12-20 18:57:09 UTC  

Most trump supporters I’m seeing now support it lol

2020-12-20 18:57:14 UTC  


2020-12-20 18:57:15 UTC  

They’re very angry

2020-12-20 18:57:27 UTC  

Let’s be loud and clear that’s what has to happen

2020-12-20 18:57:46 UTC  

Trumps (((advisors))) are telling him not to do it

2020-12-20 18:58:05 UTC  

Doesnt each state governor have to request federal help to invoke the insurrection act?

2020-12-20 18:58:12 UTC  


2020-12-20 18:58:22 UTC  

It’s an executive power

2020-12-20 18:58:37 UTC  

“The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion.”

2020-12-20 18:59:37 UTC  

The bitch ass Secretary of Defense Mark Esper wasn’t on board with it for the blm riots, but the new SECDEF who is a former special forces soldier is

2020-12-20 19:00:03 UTC  


2020-12-20 19:00:07 UTC  

That’s the whole reason trump fired Esper and replaced him with Chris Miller

2020-12-20 19:00:11 UTC  

Wonder why

2020-12-20 19:00:39 UTC  

The new SOD seems promising. A few days ago, he randomly halted the entire transition process and the DoD has put it on hold ever since

2020-12-20 19:00:45 UTC  


2020-12-20 19:00:47 UTC  

He’s based lol

2020-12-20 19:00:57 UTC

2020-12-20 19:01:14 UTC  

There’s a reason for this btw

2020-12-20 19:01:22 UTC  

It’s wasn’t just an insult

2020-12-20 19:01:22 UTC  

2018 EO?

2020-12-20 19:01:33 UTC  

They’re keeping them out of briefings

2020-12-20 19:02:07 UTC  

What is the significance of January 6th again? Whats our timetable

2020-12-20 19:02:21 UTC  

Final decision on the election

2020-12-20 19:02:36 UTC  

January 6th is the day Mike Pence certifies the election results before a joint session of Congress

2020-12-20 19:02:44 UTC  

To be clear, this date has no significance constitutionally

2020-12-20 19:03:02 UTC  

There’s only one date that appears anytime in the constitution and that is January 20th

2020-12-20 19:03:20 UTC  

I’ll give you guys a full scope of trumps recent pentagon purges and their significance. They indicate that he is going to go with the 2018 EO and the insurrection act.

Pentagon II (November 18th)
-Defense Policy Board
-Removed Madeline Albright (NeoCon)
-Removed Henry Kissinger (NeoCon)
-Removed Gary Roughead
-Removed Jane Harman
-Removed Rudy De Leon
-Removed Eric Cantor
-Removed David McCormick
-Removed Jamie Gorelick
-Removed Robert Joseph
-Removed J.D Crouch II
-Removed Franklin Miller

Pentagon III (December 4th)
-Defense Business Board
-Removed Board Chair Michael Bayer
-Removed Arnold Punaro
-Removed Atul Vashistha
-Removed John O'Connor
-Removed David Venlet
-Removed Paul Dolan
-Removed Scott Dorn
-Removed David Walker
-Removed David Van Slyke
-Installed Corey Lewandowski (Sr Advisor)
-Installed David Bossie (Campaign Manager)
-Installed Henry Dreifus
-Installed Robert McMahon
-Installed Cory Mills (Vet/ Newsmax Insider)
-Installed Bill Bruner
-Installed Christopher Shank
-Installed Joseph Schmidt
-Installed Keary Miller
-Installed Allen Weh
-Installed Earl Matthews

2020-12-20 19:03:31 UTC

2020-12-20 19:03:37 UTC  

No one cares

2020-12-20 19:03:40 UTC  

Happens daily

2020-12-20 19:03:56 UTC  

it's just a cool vid you massive sperg

2020-12-20 19:04:02 UTC  


2020-12-20 19:04:14 UTC  

Has he pardoned Julian Assange yet?

2020-12-20 19:04:20 UTC  

Not yet

2020-12-20 19:04:27 UTC  

He needs to wrap it up

2020-12-20 19:04:31 UTC  

And then Edward Snowden

2020-12-20 19:04:37 UTC  

And if we’re lucky Uncle Ted