Message from @Kubs

Discord ID: 213189387414929408

2016-08-11 06:55:18 UTC  

i'm not sure about other brands

2016-08-11 06:55:18 UTC  

With no commercials

2016-08-11 06:55:21 UTC  


2016-08-11 06:55:23 UTC  

Volks did more than that

2016-08-11 06:55:29 UTC  

They cheated with their security system

2016-08-11 06:55:30 UTC  

but iirc it was very specifically for their diesel car lines

2016-08-11 06:55:38 UTC  

Running an encryption method that's 2 decades old

2016-08-11 06:55:52 UTC  

Meaning people can easily intercept car unlocks and replicate such

2016-08-11 06:55:59 UTC  

When there was this Mexican drug war in America I looked around. American news said Mexians filthy weed smugglers. Mexian news blamed Americans for buying all this shit. Independent had more or less much better journalism than either.

2016-08-11 06:56:34 UTC  

Well, when sides are shit flinging, it's not hard to convey the truth, though it's minimal

2016-08-11 06:56:49 UTC  

idk, the whole drug war is hard to untangle

2016-08-11 06:56:56 UTC  

chicken / egg argument

2016-08-11 06:57:04 UTC  

what disappointed me the most

2016-08-11 06:57:14 UTC  

was that nobody gave an apology to like my mother who had that exact volkswagen diesel model

2016-08-11 06:57:29 UTC  

when she called the store they said what you talking about?

2016-08-11 06:57:39 UTC  

So, reading the thingy about the bracelet completely

2016-08-11 06:57:44 UTC  

One year after they send out a letter not to apologise but to offer a corection in the software

2016-08-11 06:57:58 UTC  


2016-08-11 06:58:06 UTC  

>"The police wants to use the bracelets to create groups where people feel it's ok to talk about rape and encourage people to report such"

2016-08-11 06:58:21 UTC  

Normally, if everything is righ, this should not be necessary.

2016-08-11 06:58:30 UTC  

Glad this has not happened here

2016-08-11 06:58:33 UTC  

Supposedly, they think that people don't report the occurences, even though they do get harassed/touched/raped

2016-08-11 06:58:41 UTC  

But eh

2016-08-11 06:58:46 UTC  

It's kinda stupid, honestly

2016-08-11 06:58:48 UTC  

@Aerione plz, you're not actually falling ofr that cuck talk, are you?

2016-08-11 06:58:52 UTC  

some people wont if they wont get believed, legal shit is quite hard

2016-08-11 06:58:58 UTC  

it's ltierally a rape bracelet

2016-08-11 06:59:05 UTC  

Considering each occurence spawns more than 1 case

2016-08-11 06:59:09 UTC  

For example in scandinavia child abuse is quite hard to get people for

2016-08-11 06:59:14 UTC  

many people go into courts and go free

2016-08-11 06:59:20 UTC  

So it's just more bureaucracy

2016-08-11 06:59:26 UTC  

gotta define abuse

2016-08-11 06:59:27 UTC  

As soon as refugees hit the -35 C weather here, they fucked off right back to their country

2016-08-11 06:59:30 UTC  

are you talking about disciplining?

2016-08-11 06:59:30 UTC  

@wiggly It's not "falling for" or whatnot

2016-08-11 06:59:34 UTC  

or like drunk beating?

2016-08-11 06:59:36 UTC  

Either way is equally stupid

2016-08-11 06:59:36 UTC  

Sexual abuse

2016-08-11 06:59:39 UTC  


2016-08-11 06:59:43 UTC  

I don't really see a splitting point

2016-08-11 06:59:52 UTC  

I know at least two cases