Message from @memestar
Discord ID: 219208853416312832
a perfect phone
It does a lot of things right
only issue is
except software
i take that back guys
gooks know nothing about software and caring about devs
if they did just some simple steps
we would probably like it waaaay more
it's one of the most refined phones of this year
i flashed the xeu stock firmware on my phone
Edge display sucks dick
somewhat comfy
yeah edge is sort of just a meme
Can't palm grip and the picture is distorted when looking video
$100 more for a curved screen
it doesn't even look more bezelless than those new sonys
Can't type during adjusted palm grip either
Because you keep hitting the fucking keyboard
it's like giving money to the arabs
Also apps crashed while I had S7
Google mail
Also the bloat
Full of bloat
never had gmail crash
Only thing you can do is hide and not remove
Filled with microsoft and google apps you cant remove
I went back to iPhone after
I'm actually pretty impressed with MIUI, it seems pretty fast and I can just uninstall the chinky apps.
my carrier rom came with a shit ton of social media apps i didn't even want
Fucking 799 euro piece of shit, never again
I sold it afterwards
yeah I don't know if you've seen it
No, I have not had chink phone
Only s7 edge