Message from @Aerione
Discord ID: 219216430183219200
Microsoft is good at fucking up everything aren't they
Windows 10 probably had the most stable launch
Looking at the past releases
there were bugs, yes but
By launch I mean post-beta period
i felt that people exaggerated how bad the launch was
But then again
I just wanted to know if I could even install windows 10 pro having a 8.1 pro key on the PC, I figured since upgrade offer is over
I should just forget about it haha
It's the version with the most time spent in the beta stage
With the most testers
There is a way to upgrade, I think
my only issue with w10 is the updates
You can pretend to be handicapped and download for free
they shouldn't have changed the behaviour from windows 7
you can stay on delayed updates with pro
Lol screw that
I'd rather just pirate it
or do you need enterprise for that
It's exactly like pirating it, really
Except you just need to sign a T&A that you're retarded(on paper)
I'm not gonna sign myself as retarded
just pirate it
might as well do windows 8.1 since its legit
then pirate it
might as well install GNU/Linux
might as well install gentoo
so um guys
whats the pissphone meme
I'm not really a rice person
that font pisses me off