Message from @Mglv
Discord ID: 223072492346933248
thanks for the video
looking for a heartrate monitor.
Or should I avoid them
Anyone know how to use KLWP?
no idea
google it
do you know norwegian
understand it
I do
klwp is a clusterfuck and the moment you start doing anything remotely complex things will start to fall apart
whydo people buy heartrate monitors
are we all cardiac victims or something
I wanted it more for the watch
Because watching numbers change is fun
like I wanted a waterproof watch and steps tracker
I am running. sometimes I run so fast, I can't really gauge how fast I have to be
Then I just hurt myself
because I like being able to have a milestone to measure myself to keep me motivated
I want to know my pace, at least in order to not fuck up myself too fast
maybe I am getting a strap
Get the xiaomeme shoes
You guys gonna watch the apple keynote?
I am
Gonna laugh at all the ridiculous shit they announce.
Can you watch it with Windows? They always restrict that bullshit
I hope so.
They restrict watching their stuff on windows?
Isn't that illegal?
Only Edge works
god i want more terrible keynotes
they're so fun
Oh god
If you wanna watch their live stream
You have to have either windows 10 with edge
Or an apple product
I can't even watch their shitty livestream on my macbook
Because I run Lion.