Message from @icecream
Discord ID: 239361983462244352
Has anyone else started seeing "sponsored" next to products be listed on Aliex?
Is it kind of like eBay's sponsored results?
Yeah, I think so
Hate how lazy europoors are. Nothing moves on weekend.
Welcome <@239341768116666369>!
Welcome <@239342593391984640>!
shoo shoo, spiffy stinky chinky
Sup my nignogs
Whyone has good experiences with those chink PCIe to Sata cards ?
@icecream#8102 agreed
still tempted to buy the xiaomi air
do it tbh
and post review
I don't feel like the xiaomi air is worth it
I could get a cheap memepad instead
which looks ugly af but hey
At least you got a good performance per price
930jewros for a dual-core i5, 8 gigs of ram and a gtx 940M
I don't know
bit much
Oh yeah, I forgot about the 250gigs SSD
But still
i mean apple fagbooks look nice compared to other notebooks but they are overpriced af
Their design is what make the price
Talking about that I was looking to get a powerbook some weeks ago
elitebooks are great
I have an 8460p
but theyre heavy
and bulky
Thanks HP
whats wrong with a bulky laptop