Message from @Nadeko
Discord ID: 245207896088903680
anonymous is that you on your avatar ?
anon is a TRANS
>browsing 4chan
pick one
could be trans
trans browse 4chan
/lgbt/ ya know
whats a /g/
sounds like a NEET board
it's almost r9k tier
J-just for fun
What the fuck is with /v/
owo whats this
>not knowing who rose is
*notices my shitposting role on discord*
owo whats this
who's rose?
who's rose ?
am I missing a spicy meme ?
>having an avatar of someone you will never be
@Rey tru 😂 👌 💯
@matematis🅱 post face
why you want me face
a brave new meme
you're idi nahui
fuck off you're not milo
send real face
because qtie