Message from @Verm

Discord ID: 332581662976114699

2017-07-06 17:54:56 UTC  

It is revolutionary and world changing

2017-07-06 17:54:59 UTC  

More people need to read it

2017-07-06 17:55:47 UTC  

I've yet for someone to provide the evidence or likely proof that the absolute majority of Hebrews or Jews are pro-zionism.

2017-07-06 17:55:59 UTC  

Don't read Culture of Critique at 3 A.m.

2017-07-06 17:56:04 UTC  

Here's the thing, it's not just 1 big worldwide conspiracy

2017-07-06 17:56:18 UTC  

No no, one can divide the jews into 3 primary political sects

2017-07-06 17:56:23 UTC  

I have a pasta for this

2017-07-06 17:56:50 UTC  

First, there are the international banker types. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, etc, these Jews are as close to "the Illuminati" as they get. They play the big game, and mainly want to extend their central banking and usury to the whole world, and typically push for "one world government" type situations in order to hasten their economic takeover of the planet. Heads of state and "small" banks like Goldman Sachs might as well be the goyim to them, so big is the game that they play. They typically couldn't give two shits about white identity, one way, or the other, as they only care about money and are so insulated from any sort of social/cultural upheaval that their quest for more cash and political power might lead to. Ditto for Israel and the Holocaust.

2017-07-06 17:57:05 UTC  

Second, you have the classical Zionists, who tend to be the neoconservative figures that we all hate such as Kushner, Rumsfeld, Bibi, Bill Kristol, etc. Their economic game is smaller, more along the lines of promoting stock markets and corporations rather than the international money supply, and they support open borders because they inevitably tank wages in the first world and only the goyim are working class, anyways. Typically quite religious, they tolerate whites, but see them as useful idiots to help further their economic and political ends, which typically involve boosting their profits regardless of the cost to their host nation, while doing everything they can to prop up Israel. These chickenhawks and war profiteers are the folks behind 9/11, AIPAC, birthright, and every war for Israel that the US has fought, from Desert Storm to Arab Spring, and their ancestors, the Zionists, were behind the fabrication/exaggeration of the Holocaust. Sometimes the international bankers use the Zionist neocons as useful idiots to further their agenda, witness Iraq and the incidental preservation of the petrodollar. These Jews aren't so damaging to whites be because of what they advocate and push for, but because of their willingness to send goyim to die to accomplish it, and the collateral damage to white societies that their goals inevitably cause, such as Arab Spring causing the European migrant crisis.

2017-07-06 17:57:14 UTC  

The third group is the Jewish left. Almost as proud of their secular beliefs as they are of their Jewish heritage, these folks look back at Trotsky, Alinsky, Freud, etc with immense pride, as they strive to undermine the west at every chance they can get. They possess a deep-seated hatred of white people as they typically believe that the Holocaust happened as-recorded, and are terrified that whites might try it again. They typically avoid pursuing economic power, and instead wage full-on cultural marxist war on the traditions of the white west by infesting and liberalizing academia as a means by which to control the hearts and minds of their host nation's educated classes, and, by extension, their leftist political parties. When they dip their toes into the private sector, it is to further their thought control by dominating the cultural arenas such as film, television, music, pornography, and the press, so that they can silence any/all cultural messages that run counter to their subversion. Feminism, the sexual revolution, single motherhood, the welfare state, gay/trans acceptance, gun control, and the like are all part and parcel of their political agendas. Contrary to their hatred of white gentiles, they fetishize blacks and other non-white groups and promote their degenerate cultures through their media channels at every chance they get, while shaping welfare and immigration policies to promote non-white supermajorities in their host nations to further political influence. These are the folks who promote race mixing and pen thought pieces about how beautiful a non-white Europe or USA will be, legitimately believing what they write. Any sort of biological realism is hate thought to them, as even their thought leaders are drinking the egalitarianism kool-aid. As such, modern day Sweden and South Africa are their proudest achievements.

2017-07-06 17:57:23 UTC  

Now, it's not that these groups work together, as most of the time they hate each other. Leftist Jews lead the anti-Israeli, pro-palestinian movements, and birthright/Hillel/AIPAC's campus outreach were created by the Zionist neocon right and all exist to rescue leftist Jews from the anti-Israel mind trap, so they won't start anti-war movements the next time Israel needs the goyim to off another middle eastern leader.

No, the danger lies in ethnic nepotism, as the shared Jewish heritage of the three strands causes them to find synergies and help each other out of the goodness of their own in-group preferences even when their ideas and goals might run counter to each other.

Globalism is a good example of this. It centralizes banks, which the elite like, while freeing trade, which the neocons like, while producing non-white supermajorities in white nations, which the leftists like. As such, modern jewry is a three-headed monster threatening the very fabric of western civilization.

Sadly, it's a hard monster to actually kill, as the two branches infest both sides of the political spectrum, while the elites use them both as pawns. Obama served the Jewish left, while serving as an avowed enemy to the Zionist right. Meanwhile, we soundly beat the Jewish left with Trump, only to have him in turn serve the neoconservative Jewish right. All the while, the elites used Obama to kill Gaddafi, just as they used Dubya to eliminate Saddam and just as they're about to use Trump to eliminate Jong-Un.

At this point in time, the best weapon we have is knowledge and anger as the west descends into an economic dystopia at the hands of the economic globalists and a sociocultural dystopia at the hands of the demographic/cultural globalists.

I fear things will need to get much worse before we get comfortable pointing the finger.

2017-07-06 17:58:12 UTC

2017-07-06 17:58:38 UTC  

So no, it is not just "the zionist nutjobs"

2017-07-06 17:58:47 UTC  

There are multiple clearly defined groups here

2017-07-06 17:59:27 UTC  

That was a literal wall of text just to be summed up in two sentences

2017-07-06 17:59:37 UTC  

I had made the connection that Zionism was generally considered "Rothschild Zionism." in the past.

2017-07-06 17:59:47 UTC  

The rothschilds fund both sides of the same war

2017-07-06 17:59:58 UTC  

But to think they would turn their own people into goyim is a beautiful irony.

2017-07-06 17:59:59 UTC  

That's why Soros is tied to both Kushner and Shillary

2017-07-06 18:00:41 UTC  

It's also why Max Warburg originally funded Hitler before cutting off funds when he realized it was to be ultimately detrimental to the Jewish cause should it grow out of hand

2017-07-06 18:00:47 UTC  

Anyhow, where's that quote from?

2017-07-06 18:00:54 UTC  

What quote, that pasta?

2017-07-06 18:00:59 UTC  

that's from /pol/

2017-07-06 18:01:10 UTC  


2017-07-06 18:01:21 UTC  

@fallen angel that breakdown is really really good

2017-07-06 18:01:29 UTC  

Screenshotted it

2017-07-06 18:01:31 UTC  

It's a highly concise and accurate explanation of the Jewish question

2017-07-06 18:02:15 UTC  

Not all Jews are necessarily buddy buddy true, but none of them have our best intentions at heart

2017-07-06 18:02:35 UTC  

That writeup explains that in such a concise way

2017-07-06 18:02:40 UTC  


2017-07-06 18:02:43 UTC  

Jewish Right?

2017-07-06 18:02:51 UTC  

No jew is "pro white nationalism" for example

2017-07-06 18:03:06 UTC  

You will never find a white nationalist jew

2017-07-06 18:03:11 UTC  


2017-07-06 18:03:12 UTC  

>jewish left
>hates globalism

2017-07-06 18:03:16 UTC  

Look up trotsky lmao

2017-07-06 18:03:23 UTC  

This is entry level stuff my dude

2017-07-06 18:03:29 UTC  

Both the jewish left and right want globalism

2017-07-06 18:03:42 UTC  

I don't care about white nationism. Anything that keeps its nose out of the business of other people is fine to me.

2017-07-06 18:03:42 UTC  
2017-07-06 18:04:00 UTC  

>being a libertarian cuck