Message from @DeagleDad420
Discord ID: 250782205096230913
IoT, the art to put a raspberry pi in everything.
based IoT
thank you for 1 tbp/s DDoS attacks
wait what ddos attacks
he means in general
how is it connected to IoT? using IoT as slave machines?
never heard of these incidents, but it was bound to happen.
the most recent DDoS attacks were entirely composed of IoT devices
oh shit it happened already
like security cameras, light bulbs, refridgerators
and they reached an unprecedented 1 tbp/s
jesus fuck I thought IoT was scrapped by most
that's where your wrong
you see filthy westerns enjoy having useless shit
see csg
50 billion devices by 2030
I've known of incidents of central heating going wrong and shit due to IoT, but not this
that's why they made up IPv6
and the Chinks don't force you to change the default password
or use randomly generated ones printed on the side of the device
sounds about right
so literally all they have to do to build up a botnet is first port scan an IP address range
and have a program sort through and launch attacks on the IPs with potentially unsecured IoT device
christ, remote connectivity is a nightmare these days
all we rely on at work is fucking unpaid teamviewer
just power cycling the devices would eliminate them from the botnet
but with ~75% of people being tech illiterate
there is no way it's gonna happen
the cat is out of the bag
that keyboard looks horrid
It's some trash laptop style Hewlett-Packard
lol those are fridges who is going to hack fridges ? xd
then no security
I'm using this machine it checks plant genetics and it costs 100 grand NZD
Welcome <@224012475849244673>!
pee on it
i really do question the australian used market