Message from @HEKTIK
Discord ID: 250805765172887553
or use randomly generated ones printed on the side of the device
sounds about right
so literally all they have to do to build up a botnet is first port scan an IP address range
and have a program sort through and launch attacks on the IPs with potentially unsecured IoT device
christ, remote connectivity is a nightmare these days
all we rely on at work is fucking unpaid teamviewer
just power cycling the devices would eliminate them from the botnet
but with ~75% of people being tech illiterate
there is no way it's gonna happen
the cat is out of the bag
that keyboard looks horrid
It's some trash laptop style Hewlett-Packard
lol those are fridges who is going to hack fridges ? xd
then no security
I'm using this machine it checks plant genetics and it costs 100 grand NZD
Welcome <@224012475849244673>!
pee on it
i really do question the australian used market
some nerd is selling a blue snowball for 90 aud
like nigger what are you doing
i got my Blue Yeti mic and Audio Technica M-20X headphones for $120 USD last Christmas
($160 AUD)
did you replace the earpads?
how have you lived
some of the worst pads ive ever used other than stock superlux pleathers
considering what I paid for them
it's alright
i'd rather not use headphones at all
I wish i could use speakers but there are other people in the house
but then again this is coming from a guy who is about to spend 85 AUD on earpads
which site do i use to aquire a binnie for the lowest price?
a binnie?
see webm
a chink?
no but i buy some chink shit