Message from @HalfEyedWorm
Discord ID: 258418790126059540
shoo shoo, stinky chinky
tfw going to japan tomorrow
I just recieved more chinkshit. 2 pairs of VE MONK earbuds. Good stocking fillers me thinks.
>guy asks on a pc hardwareswap server asks how much he can sell his assortment of items including 1st gen hyperx clouds
>How much will this go for?
What a tard.
>No, I want to sell it for $45
like okay
it's used headphones
Tell him to buy up all the ebay stuff and make some profit... lel
he blocked me tho
after that last message on the screencap
He uses the same name for everything it seems
no doxxing please
thanks He is also trying to build a pc
Muh dox
what seems to be the bottleneck
I can't figure it out
shh i had that gpu
it's not bad
but he has a very premium/new build
with an old ass video card lol
i hope he has it used
The spectropmeters are still there