Message from @Q-Bey 🌎 (キュゥべえ)
Discord ID: 259173513003270156
i mean, that's probably a reseller buying lots of smaller things
something like expensive machinery is much more madman-tier
Of course
A fucking dumpling machine
yeah i must have missed that one somehow
It's more than the moniz I would put in a car.
wew didn't saw that one lel
Gotta get them autismo cubes
looks like they browse 4chan
im tellin u1!!
I guess we could make an autism package then ?
>did you mean autism cure?
I'm using aol desktop 9.8.2
It feels horrible
Why do you put yourself through that experience
>autism cubes
^ Yes
It uses opera a mix of opera and chrome
^ Fuck
You get what I mean
Yeah I feel you
I haven't needed to right now
Still got 20GB of data
On my true ph#
Only if I'm going away
You should make a bot that acts like a more stupid version of you myuutsu
Or just get an Australian in here.
Ay lmaeow
That actually sounds quite a lot better and simpler