Message from @needachinkphone
Discord ID: 265505968366813194
Just jewtube south african university protests
wait watch this
That was intense
niggers shooting niggers. doesnt get better than that
this one is better quality
Christ, you guys sound bitter.
Basically these retards want uni to free. So they can take their time studying lib arts and shit
They fucked this country and tanked it with nigger logic
Just elect some altright candidate and let him clean your country
Our alt right leader was killed by 3 black workers
And they got away with it
fucking wot
This country is so racist towards non-blacks its crazy
And the blacks think they arent racist and cant be racist
everyone can be racist lol
what fucked up logic is that
oh shit
android phone fysical keyboard best one ?
They already get free housing, free electricity, free child support and free food. Yet they want more like free schooling and shit
What like a case with a keyboard on it?
take everything away again
That would be racist
Show the video of the township tyre burings lol
fuck everything is racist, if they cant appreciate it take it away
and that should count for fucking everyone
What is best fysical keyboard android phone from chinkshits
idk goy
There really aren't many
Their shit is going to cause a complete alt-right group to eradicate them. chinks use africa's blacks already for hard labour
lol tire burning
>chinks use x
that must suck so hard