Message from @Archy
Discord ID: 265499724956696576
And it's a phone cover
Might get an ADATA SSD at some point, as everything else ADATA that I have has lasted
Already spent too much on chinkshit this week
Closing in on $100
What knockoff watch must i get?
Buying HDD from chink, yay or nay
@needachinkphone omega is a good starter
they all the same price after customs in SA
anyone got a link to hs8's knockoffs?
Might as well but it here then.
buy from wootware
Evetech is slightly cheaper
evetech is shit. pajeets own it
their warranty and returns suck ass
also shipping is fast with wootware
fucking pajeets
nope evetech owned by a pajeet. wootware is straight up white only
Evetech does have some nice discounts from time to time, not gonna lie
Discounts but no warranty. #jew
tank you sir
They selling Gayming chairs for 10k haha fucking retards
muh racer faggot chair
I was going to get a fucking racer chair, because I can't find many decently cheap chairs for taller people.
>not standing regularly
Enjoy you back
I am standing at the moment because I have no chair
Good goy
But I would rather actually be comfortable
I'm building a chink PC.
Xeon x5460
GTX 750 ti
Some randome chink shit mobo
What do you think
How much all up?
xeon meme wtf
When that mobo blows you're gonna cry.
archy whats your budget?