Message from @Bantukaner
Discord ID: 624280782277705748
lms tactical?
of course man -- I have been trolling Bantu for hours now
isn't lms tactical the american guy
Yeah - the American Jew
oh yeah
that autist
doesnt he vote for republicans
He is gonna wreck you Bantu in any debate
😩 ✊ 💦
I have debated him
@Transvaaler no idea who he votes for to be honest
in his comments
I think he said he votes for republicans during the livestream
no ban bantu - you should go live with him on his show
lms tactical is a schizo
Well if he does , it kinda makes sense.. Trumps skin is Ginger and so is LMS a ginger
Yeah Bantu - you do love the world order Conspiracy stuff along with talking snakes and Zombies
this chat is just
But listen jokes aside - Trump is far better than that miserable Stumpy chick . You know the chick who could not leash in her husband.. Hillary . She couldnt lead her husband let alone a country
Cheers and Peace out bois...