Message from @California Nightmare

Discord ID: 600860077947355138

2019-07-17 01:20:35 UTC  

is that from 100 proofs the earth is not a glovbe

2019-07-17 01:20:36 UTC  

from FES

2019-07-17 01:20:43 UTC  

"practical exemplification, an everlasting proof that the Earth is not a globe." that bit rings a bell

2019-07-17 01:20:44 UTC  

Mr Hind speaks of the astronomer watching a star as it is carried across the telescope by the diurnal revolution of the Earth." Now, this is nothing but downright absurdity. No motion of the Earth could possibly carry a star across a telescope or anything else. If the star is carried across anything at all, it is the star that moves, not the thing across which it is carried! Besides, the idea that the Earth, if it were a globe, could possibly move in an orbit of nearly 600,000,000 of miles with such exactitude that the cross-hairs in a telescope fixed on its surface would appear to glide gently over a star "millions of millions" of miles away is simply monstrous; whereas, with a FIXED telescope, it matters not the distance of the stars, though we suppose them to be as far off as the astronomer supposes them to be; for, as Mr. Proctor himself says, "the further away they are, the less they will seem to shift." Why, in the name of common sense, should observers have to fix their telescopes on solid stone bases so that they should not move a hair's-breadth, - if the Earth on which they fix them move at the rate of nineteen miles in a second? Indeed, to believe that Mr. Proctor's mass of "six thousand million million million tons" is "rolling, surging, flying, darting on through space for ever" with a velocity compared with which a shot from a cannon is a "very slow coach," with such unerring accuracy that a telescope fixed on granite pillars in an observatory will not enable a lynx-eyed astronomer to detect a variation in its onward motion of the thousandth part of a hair's-breadth is to conceive a miracle compared with which all the miracles on record put together would sink into utter insignificance.

2019-07-17 01:20:46 UTC  

Captain R. J. Morrison, the late compiler of "Zadkeil's Almanac;" says: "We declare that this "motion" is all mere 'bosh'; and that the arguments which uphold it are, when examined with an eye that seeks for TRUTH only, mere nonsense, and childish absurdity. "Since, then, these absurd theories are of no use to men in their senses, and since there is no necessity for anything of the kind in Zetetic philosophy, it is a "strong presumptive proof" - as Mr. Hind would say that the Zetetic philosophy is true, and, therefore, a proof that Earth is not a globe..

2019-07-17 01:21:00 UTC  

There two here @mineyful have always bothered me

2019-07-17 01:21:26 UTC  

" Zetetic" rings a hard bell as well

2019-07-17 01:21:32 UTC  

thought you guys liked scientific

2019-07-17 01:21:38 UTC  

in 24/7 they only wanted me to use zetetic

2019-07-17 01:22:13 UTC  

I prefer the Socratic Method

2019-07-17 01:22:27 UTC  

"The Socratic method, also known as method of Elenchus, elenctic method, or Socratic debate, is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions."

2019-07-17 01:22:28 UTC  

that one

2019-07-17 01:22:39 UTC  

debate wise or just for evidence

2019-07-17 01:22:52 UTC  

I am telling you how I try to debate

2019-07-17 01:22:54 UTC  


2019-07-17 01:23:00 UTC  


2019-07-17 01:23:09 UTC  

just making sure what method it was for

2019-07-17 01:23:13 UTC  


2019-07-17 01:23:15 UTC  

Sadly many do not do this

2019-07-17 01:23:23 UTC  

And go straight to ad hominem

2019-07-17 01:23:26 UTC  


2019-07-17 01:23:26 UTC  

I mean we were asking questions back and forth

2019-07-17 01:23:29 UTC  

Drives me nuts

2019-07-17 01:23:30 UTC  

I didn't swear this debate

2019-07-17 01:23:34 UTC  


2019-07-17 01:23:35 UTC  

but uh

2019-07-17 01:23:36 UTC  

you guys did

2019-07-17 01:23:41 UTC  

I tried to stay calm

2019-07-17 01:23:42 UTC  

but uh

2019-07-17 01:23:44 UTC  

you guys cut me off

2019-07-17 01:23:50 UTC  

I just wanna have a quiet debate

2019-07-17 01:23:56 UTC  

which is why I stick to text most of the time

2019-07-17 01:24:05 UTC  

I can actually speak and not be judged on how high my voice sounds

2019-07-17 01:24:13 UTC  

or have mods actively trying to find dirt on me

2019-07-17 01:24:41 UTC  

you guys are cool people

2019-07-17 01:24:44 UTC  

like actually cool people

2019-07-17 01:24:53 UTC  

just vc debates are too loud and violent

2019-07-17 01:25:42 UTC  

I have chest pains rn because of how stressful it is to address 5 people at once

2019-07-17 01:26:52 UTC  

I never tried to find dirt on you. I was using the Socratic method to determine why you believe in some science/date from NASA and you take their word as scripture. But when Nasa says something you do not agree with suddenly they're not to be trusted or you attempt to engage in mental gymnastics to try and avoid what was being said by questioning the verbiage used or trying to say we do not understand their clear intent in the conclusion.

2019-07-17 01:26:59 UTC  

To be clear I was not insulting you, not one single time. That is not my style.

2019-07-17 01:28:41 UTC  

usually there are three things I see in these types of debates
1.) the usage of the word "scripture", whether it be science or religion, to affirm someone's believe as correct
2.) Usage of condescending tones and constant affirmation of ones belief
3.) The misuse and misunderstanding of the connotation and/or denotation of the English language