Message from @Gray.

Discord ID: 584791217829707777

2019-06-02 16:38:08 UTC  

How do I even @ you square username dude

2019-06-02 16:38:15 UTC  


2019-06-02 16:38:32 UTC  

Nvmm got it

2019-06-02 16:38:42 UTC  

Any flat earthers here

2019-06-02 16:38:49 UTC  

ew flat tied

2019-06-02 16:38:50 UTC  


2019-06-02 16:38:51 UTC  

im a triangle earther

2019-06-02 16:38:52 UTC  


2019-06-02 16:38:52 UTC  


2019-06-02 16:38:55 UTC  

And roche

2019-06-02 16:38:58 UTC  

im a pyramid earther

2019-06-02 17:08:46 UTC  

>> clear 200

2019-06-02 17:08:51 UTC  

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Cleaned **200** messages.

2019-06-02 17:08:52 UTC  

There you go.

2019-06-02 17:09:02 UTC  

Seeing as you need to delete messages and all.

2019-06-02 17:09:13 UTC  

Stop it

2019-06-02 17:09:28 UTC  

I been stopped Z.

2019-06-02 17:09:52 UTC  


2019-06-02 17:10:07 UTC  

there is your proof, photos of your earth, where you live

2019-06-02 17:11:31 UTC  

I’m officially a flat earther!

2019-06-02 17:11:58 UTC

2019-06-02 17:12:05 UTC  

but wait, no they are fake, ofc they are coz nasa took them. Just deny any evidence of the globe earth presented to you.

2019-06-02 17:12:07 UTC  
2019-06-02 17:13:25 UTC  

I have a question

2019-06-02 17:13:28 UTC  
2019-06-02 17:13:36 UTC  

Do you trust your government?

2019-06-02 17:13:47 UTC  

To have your best interests in mind?

2019-06-02 17:14:51 UTC  

I'm from the uk, I dont really trust theresa may, well until she resigned

2019-06-02 17:15:26 UTC  

But mostly yeh, somethings i spose i doubt but thats just a given. Space on the other hand. I believe in

2019-06-02 17:16:18 UTC  

lol. So you have your doubts, but you believe they would tell you the truth about a multi billion dollar asset?

2019-06-02 17:17:43 UTC  

Theresa may, and the fat lot of parliment in the UK, as well as governments around the world, are pedophiles.

2019-06-02 17:18:01 UTC  

The higher up you go, the worse it gets.

2019-06-02 17:18:03 UTC  

especially boris

2019-06-02 17:18:08 UTC  

Minecraft earth is a big frying

2019-06-02 17:18:11 UTC  


2019-06-02 17:18:19 UTC  

what multi million dollar asset gandalf?

2019-06-02 17:18:27 UTC  

listen boi

2019-06-02 17:19:08 UTC  

The earth is cube

2019-06-02 17:19:08 UTC  


2019-06-02 17:19:49 UTC  

Did I say million?