Message from @Alexandre
Discord ID: 594492072459763732
Also the earth is a donut
Okay then
u got a problem with beanz?
u possessed ideologue
I will do no such thing
how pathological of u
u possessed ideologue u
do u see this folks?
so much for the tolerant left smh
do u guys think the earth is a disk
I don't want to tell you what I think of the earth and it's shape
I'll probs get put on a watchlist
can neva be too careful
But know this
it's fuuucked up dude
like hardout
nah I'm just sayin that so I don't get put away by the Coppers
they huntin us
we the new marginalised people oi
I told my family at a meet up
what I thought of the earths shape
lol there are nearly two times the amount of globe earthers here than flat earthers
and I dunno man
probs put me on a list or something
bc the next day my gf was looking all embarrassed
I figured
they must have got to her
so I fuckin bolted man
outa there
Ive been on the run 4 weeks now
that's hardout
any close shaves?
anti vax doctors...