Message from @ssteve
Discord ID: 595486922533765130
New age movement is inherently satanic
to have freedom of choice and go with your own religion, or go with no religion or be an atheist
See, typical atheist response, because he doesn't know he's being used as a pawn
or no religion and just find the Truth instead
God isnt mentioned in the Constitution for a reason
All men are CREATED equal
Oops, debunked
isn't the only reason god is mentioned in the pledge because christians complained about it until it was changed
The US was not founded on Christianity btw
It was founded on Gnostic and freemasonic values
That's the Declaration of Independence
the pledge of allegiance is an oath and I'm pretty sure those are not allowed in the Bible
we have the option to choose whether or not we do the pledge in school
we didn't
we did
that's good
although I did get in trouble for it one time
nah, you're shamed into it. good luck not saying the pledge. at least in my day
but I didn't ever again
@RidleyChozo the part "under God" was added during the cold war
yeah but why was it added
the court held the Pledge, which includes the words "under God" added by a 1954 congressional statute, violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which provides that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
no idea
@ssteve because the enemy was atheistic
Soviet Union
if it is to combat the Commies
I'm all for it
that was a serious american mindset for a while
it worked
America died in 1863
Time to get a bible then @Commandant
You can get a bible for free online