Message from @NickC64
Discord ID: 603452232825962515
@Soldz (CF) very sad that they have nothing better to do. They utilize their time in this earth very poorly
But what more can you expect of children
I think children utilize their time more than those two
I’m a kid
But have you seen fortnite players? @Abe Lover
Tell me that they have something better to do
How many roles are there lmfao
19 x 018390338372
No, I should be the one asking why
Good question
Because there are many conspiracies out there and we only have a small portion of it
... alright then, fair enough
You ever heard of the PewDiePie & T-series thing?
There's a conspiracy?
@Soldz (CF) you still there?
@Soldz (CF) fortnite players are atleast enjoying what they are doing
Instead of pruposefully going into a server they despise and interuppting discussion
Who is doing that?
They're taken care of don't worry about it
I respect conspiracy believers and all but I think there should be a bit more organization
Damn, 2.6k pings lol
@NickC64 Yes
As in the conversations sway so much that it's hard to see the direction
I am at 1 and a half ping
In other channels it's more calm
Who like CO2
It's sort of like shoving everything into one server too