Message from @lil 4oe 4oe
Discord ID: 603462221955203072
i meant to the yeti
not to you
There's your context
yeah i dont care tho
How much time do you have on your hands to go around and troll like that
Your type think you're smarter than other people eh
A lot, im not an adult so what productivity can i produce
Want productivity?
Go study so you can become an active member of society when you become an adult
Eat well
Anything but coming onto random servers to troll other people
Like in general i do that, but i mean its lowkey late
It's a time drainer dude, even if you're right
Well if you want to grow up faster you probably should control your impulses
You forgot about sleep too
Sleeping will help you do everything else better
I should be asleep too lol
Fr, im not dumb, i just saw this chat and was like "imma say *that word*"
And your statement is full of such hypocracy, what productivity is coming from Discord.
In my opinion I think talking here will help me turn my gears
But I do agree I can do better things
Just because someone doesn't perfectly do what they say doesn't mean they're wrong
Yeah I know, so just because I said that word, doesnt mean I'm immature and stuff
I didn't claim you were immature
Well in a way when you said "Well if you want to grow up faster you probably should control your impulses"
Just a bit
You were the one who said you're a child.
Big violent counter protest
Just yesterday
It was your own claims that defeated your conclusion
My opinion is based off of your words.