Message from @mineyful
Discord ID: 605542622660001794
so which one first: how we determine they are from space, or how we know elements came from space here's a video on seeing if something is a meteorite
for sake of time and ease of access
i'll look for a paper in a few min
how to test if it is a meteorite:
if you find a rock and think it might be a metoerite
it's just a ROCK
are you going to provide any constructive criticism or just laugh and flat out deny it
what you are doing is just pointing out how rocks are tested
and then people say that rock is from space
origins must have not been from earth
there is no space and those rocks have always been here
the earth
then why do we find new ones in little craters
err wait let me reword that
why have there been recent discoveries of fallen meteorites
getting real tired of your denial
the movie?
Water fire earth air
those aren't the only 4 elements mate
oh right
we have what 118 now
the "metoerite" was jsut "earth"
I used to suspect mineyful of being a shill but i've come to realize this is just how he is
don't deviate let me stop you guys real quick right now
you're gonna use a cartoon as evidence against a scientific branch
lol he's stopping the topic because he knows if he goes furthur hes gonna get muted
wait what do you guys think of me
Those are the four elements the avatar has to master
logos u were right mate
no i'm just saying we're on your two questions
i've suspected it too
so which one first: how we determine they are from space, or how we know elements came from space
I think I answered the first one