Message from @4Ni3
Discord ID: 337808696841207812
Judaism is a religion
Only National Socialists
But being Ashkenazi is a race
Judaism is blood
That there is even an orthodox jew here
What Crab Core said is correct
this group is for anyone on the right
Blacks<Jews At least jew promote industrial growth
I may be correct but I don't speak for the whole of the group
but jews only pretend to be on the right because the believe they can gain some advantage
Only Fascists, Identitarians, and NatSoc
Blacks are lazy swine
you forgot nationalist
AnCaps seem to exist here, for what they're worth.
I may be correct but I don't speak for the whole of the group
You dont even have to be white to hate negroes bro
I'm pretty sure there are more libertarians than just me here
Even other Nogs hate Nogs
Also to be pro Israel is basically neocon
And you remind me of a guy named Malcom
I am neocon
That's not a good thing
I believe in imperialism
By my standards at least
Come in voice @ooga booga
I was unvetted
I'm in youth now
Israel isn't real
It was created in 1947
If Africans can't govern themselves
We should govern for them
How old are you?
Just about 16
So 15, not being rude that's just the facts, correct?
That is why you're in youth