Message from @Citizen Z

Discord ID: 608495307130535967

2019-08-07 02:10:40 UTC  

Compass doesnt work in Antarctica

2019-08-07 02:10:56 UTC  

Its declination is way off

2019-08-07 02:11:31 UTC  

Notice also they actually map things using the sky

2019-08-07 02:11:45 UTC

2019-08-07 02:11:59 UTC  

So since everyone believe in a ball they believe in a celestial sphere. Around us

2019-08-07 02:12:13 UTC  

But they believe we are a sphere also

2019-08-07 02:12:22 UTC  

Because the sky moves around us

2019-08-07 02:53:03 UTC  

It's funny how you understand nothing of the model you criticize.
@rivenator12113 how does having a north star and not south star prove the flat earth? if anything, it proves globe earth since you can't see the north star in the south hemisphere.
Also, if a compass is pointing north, it's also pointing south on the opposite side, do you even understand how magnetism work? A magnet has a north and a south pole. I bet you didn't even know that the arrow pointing north is actually pointing with it's south pole.
@Citizen Z Compasses don't work in Antarctica but they don't work in the Arctic circle either since they are so close to the earth's magnetic poles.
Why would you not try to position yourself using the stars? They are pretty much always visible at night and their position is easy to predict.
Wtf is a celestial sphere, the globe is inside the solar system (not a sphere) inside the milky way (not a sphere) inside the universe (theorized to be not a sphere)
Maybe you're talking about the atmosphere? well it's kinda normal that the air around the planet would form a sphere since gravity will pull it more or less equally everywhere.

Please educate yourselves before posting ignorant statements. You guys sound like religious fanatics who refuse to even open a book for fear of instilling doubt that your FE religion might be wrong.

2019-08-07 02:56:39 UTC  

>how does having a north star and not south star prove the flat earth? if anything, it proves globe earth since you can't see the north star in the south hemisphere
How are those 2 things even related? You actually can see polaris from Africa, a quick google search would help you tremendously :)
>Also, if a compass is pointing north, it's also pointing south on the opposite
It's never pointing south, it only uses the opposite of the north for south hence why it would work on a flat earth model. A compass will always point north never south, did I really need to explain that to you?

2019-08-07 02:58:25 UTC  


2019-08-07 02:59:29 UTC

2019-08-07 02:59:52 UTC

2019-08-07 03:00:12 UTC

2019-08-07 03:00:15 UTC  

Yep, a quick google search will tell you that you can't see polaris below 1 degree south, good job on debunking yourself.
Does a magnet not have a north and a south pole? If the south end is pointing north, then the north end is pointing south, do i really need to explain that to you?

2019-08-07 03:00:26 UTC  


2019-08-07 03:00:49 UTC  

Does perspective also flip the moon upside-down?

2019-08-07 03:01:05 UTC  

Ring magnets

2019-08-07 03:01:43 UTC  

1 ring magnets have norths and souths
2 a compass is not a ring

2019-08-07 03:01:56 UTC  

Draw a moon on your ceiling. Stand on one end of the room
Then move the opposite end of the room..amazing. the drawing flipped

2019-08-07 03:02:05 UTC  

3 if the earth were a ring magnet, we'd be having things pointing towards antarctica, not the north pole like @rivenator12113 was saying.

2019-08-07 03:03:06 UTC  

Gtg more important things to do

2019-08-07 03:03:19 UTC  

Go to the north hemisphere, point your telescope at the moon and notice the orientation, got to the south hemisphere, point your telescope in the same direction, notice that perspective messed up your moon

2019-08-07 03:03:44 UTC  

Try learning basic physics, it'll help you understand the world around you.

2019-08-07 03:25:42 UTC  

@Citizen Z several globe proofs are posted in here all the time, you just never reply to them

2019-08-07 03:26:17 UTC  

We know the moon is a sphere thanks to lunar libration so that explanation about the upside down moon is bs

2019-08-07 03:28:36 UTC  

Also since the moon is a sphere it debunks a flat earth. People in different locations on a flat earth woul;d see different faces of the moon. No matter where you are the moon is facing the same way.

2019-08-07 03:28:57 UTC  

@Akhanyatin i don't think you understand

2019-08-07 03:28:58 UTC  

And the moon also does not change in apparent size all night

2019-08-07 03:29:08 UTC  

@zirpu i think you dont understand

2019-08-07 03:29:18 UTC  

nice, now debunk my arguments

2019-08-07 03:29:22 UTC  

Moon does change size

2019-08-07 03:29:45 UTC  

When it gets close to the horizon?

2019-08-07 03:29:50 UTC  


2019-08-07 03:30:03 UTC  

Ever heard of the moon illusion

2019-08-07 03:30:06 UTC  

That would be when it should be getting smallest

2019-08-07 03:31:19 UTC  

Yes I've heard of it, and its literally caused by us looking through our own atmosphere. If it were really getting so far away that it "disappears into a vanishing point" it should get smaller.

2019-08-07 03:31:32 UTC  

Cuz you said

2019-08-07 03:31:42 UTC  

So, what you're saying is that the sun approches the horizon and gets smaller but the moon approches the horizon and gets bigger? Explain how this works on your flat fantasy world.

2019-08-07 03:31:42 UTC  

Cuz physics

2019-08-07 03:31:49 UTC