Message from @THE YETI
Discord ID: 609304267383111721
It's good to note that the atmosphere doesn't go instantly from surface level pressure to no pressure
That means the higher you go, the lower the pressure
Sorta like a gradient into space and less of an on and off switch @rivenator12113
Therefore there isn't really a pressure difference at the very thin atmosphere at the top
Didn't the last time you said it was because of gravity? Why do you globe earthers keep changing answers lol
The gradient of air pressure is because of gravity
Now it'll be cool if someone would dispute instead of saying shame lmao
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
ur bot has a flaw
Welcome to the Ice Wall!
It's too big
That's what your mom said!
It's a trap
The me the weewee
worst bot I’ve ever seen
Globe earth pseudoscience
&ban YETI
Screw You Troll!
Zoo wee mama
Are you self advertising in a flat earth debate server
the earf is flat
so, for flat earthers, i want to know, if the reason things fall down is because of density and buoyancy, why do we have clouds? they're water vapor, which is denser than air. how do they remain suspended if density dictates that water vapor should find its level according to density?
No one ever said bouyancy and density is why things fall down
okay, so if gravity isn't the reason things fall down, what is?
there's a lot to unpack with these arguments, i admit