Message from @Vitmar

Discord ID: 628993948068872232

2019-10-02 00:35:30 UTC  

he might be one of the trolls

2019-10-02 12:35:17 UTC  

Looked like it

2019-10-02 14:59:26 UTC  


2019-10-02 16:11:06 UTC  

1. Constellations - the night sky is different in Australia is different from Canada because they are on opposite sides of earth. This only works on round earth.

2. Time Zones - Earth spins on its axis so that when it's dark on one side of the Earth it's bright on the other.

3. Other Planets - if you have a really good telescope or use one at an observatory you will notice other planets and that they are rotating. Which means they are round! Why would earth be different? It doesn't make any sense!
Evidence for round earth.
**plays Phoenix wright objection theme**

2019-10-02 16:14:03 UTC  

**drops mic**

2019-10-02 16:15:45 UTC  

That all werks on FE also, btw, sawry 🙂

2019-10-02 16:28:08 UTC  

So some days ago we where talking about gravity vs buoyancy and I told you all that without gravity we wouldn't have an acceleration vector downwards for the whole system to work, I asked my professor today and he confirmed it, as I know you guys wouldn't belive I also did the calculations, it's impossible for us, the air, etc to stay glued on earth or smt without gravity

2019-10-02 16:30:05 UTC  

would be like if we where in space btw if gravity doesn't exists

2019-10-02 16:30:18 UTC  

The conclusion= buoyancy only exists because gravity exists

2019-10-02 16:35:12 UTC  

Why is 'acceleration' necessary?

2019-10-02 16:35:30 UTC  

This is a very interesting question

2019-10-02 16:35:50 UTC  

As G is a time factor not a 'force' soooooooo.......

2019-10-02 16:35:50 UTC  

The air is also affected by the gravity

2019-10-02 16:36:03 UTC  

Gravity? It's a force

2019-10-02 16:36:08 UTC  

g is in newtons

2019-10-02 16:36:28 UTC  

F = mass * acceleration

2019-10-02 16:36:34 UTC  

G is a theory, also, soooooooooo......

2019-10-02 16:36:46 UTC  

g is a force rhat we observe

2019-10-02 16:37:23 UTC  

Let me try watching those videos so I can reply to them

2019-10-02 16:37:26 UTC  

Thanks for playing though, metaphysics dont werk with us 😉

2019-10-02 16:38:13 UTC  

But I was using the archimedes principle and simple chemistry, it's not even relativistic o_0

2019-10-02 16:38:48 UTC  

These equasions where discovered without the need of a machine, just simple experiments

2019-10-02 16:40:28 UTC  

Well I will do some research concerning those videos

2019-10-02 16:41:29 UTC  

Your Prof wont teach you these things, hmmmmmmmmm......

2019-10-02 16:42:20 UTC  

Listen to more metal
\ ../,

2019-10-02 16:54:14 UTC  

What do you mean?

2019-10-02 16:59:40 UTC  

@Vitmar You're correct - an accelerative force is required for buoyancy to work. Without one, there is no designated vector.

2019-10-02 17:07:09 UTC  

And the end result would be 0 xD

2019-10-02 17:07:16 UTC  

Times 0 multiplication

2019-10-02 17:14:57 UTC  

Ok let's talk about that video of the key

2019-10-02 17:15:31 UTC  

He argued that the key isn't accelerating therefore P= m*g is wrong

2019-10-02 17:15:45 UTC  

Let's do a simple experiment

2019-10-02 17:16:44 UTC  

Let's supose a robot you made can have an acceleration or 0.5 m/s^2

2019-10-02 17:17:09 UTC  

Now put a wall on his front and try accelerating it

2019-10-02 17:17:19 UTC  

Your speed will be 0

2019-10-02 17:17:58 UTC  

Your resulting force is 0, but that's because of Newton's action and reaction law if I record it right

2019-10-02 17:19:25 UTC  

If you look at the whole system the acc may look like zero, but look knly at the car and the acceleration is 0.5, if it have a mass of 2kg it's making a force of 1N on the wall because F=0.5*2

2019-10-02 17:20:29 UTC  

That's actually how the scale works

2019-10-02 17:21:11 UTC  

If you didn't had gravity the scale would say the mass of the object is 0