Message from @Chillin'

Discord ID: 612734228630601768

2019-08-18 19:45:21 UTC  

What are we measuring?

2019-08-18 19:45:30 UTC  

the 'mostly flatness'

2019-08-18 19:45:38 UTC  

“All satelites are on balloons” lol do you know how hard it is to. Control a balloon? 😂 how is anyone going to control thousands of them at the same time?

2019-08-18 19:45:43 UTC  

I could give a few examples of flat parts of the earth.

2019-08-18 19:45:44 UTC  

mostly is a pathetic word

2019-08-18 19:46:04 UTC  

its like saying God mostly exists

2019-08-18 19:46:07 UTC  

cop out

2019-08-18 19:46:11 UTC  

Attacking my ideology doesn't make it any less real than the globe earth.

2019-08-18 19:46:13 UTC  

doesnt mean anything

2019-08-18 19:46:23 UTC  

calls into question what u even mean by 'exist'

2019-08-18 19:46:32 UTC  

God mostly exists? You can't say that about that.

2019-08-18 19:46:33 UTC  

its not an ideology

2019-08-18 19:46:36 UTC  

It's totally different.

2019-08-18 19:46:39 UTC  

its a term Human Sheeple made up

2019-08-18 19:46:44 UTC  

Vosto wins

2019-08-18 19:46:46 UTC  

to cop out of his beliefe system

2019-08-18 19:46:47 UTC  

You can believe whatever you want Dawnhub.

2019-08-18 19:46:52 UTC  

yall wanna take bets

2019-08-18 19:46:53 UTC  

i know

2019-08-18 19:47:01 UTC  

and i will describe what i believe like a man

2019-08-18 19:47:04 UTC  

I'm not going to take the next hour to explain to you what it actually is.

2019-08-18 19:47:07 UTC  

Even Neil degreasse Tyson admits there’s no noticeable curvature, it’s mostly because the earth is larger than people think though

2019-08-18 19:47:07 UTC  

i will not use the word 'mostly'

2019-08-18 19:47:14 UTC  

in a context like this

2019-08-18 19:47:25 UTC  

Again, you act as if you know what it is but you know nothing.

2019-08-18 19:47:38 UTC  

Only using the defense that human sheeple made it up so it must be nothing.

2019-08-18 19:47:41 UTC  

A cop out.

2019-08-18 19:47:56 UTC  

he literally did make it up

2019-08-18 19:47:58 UTC  

"I don't know what the earth is so it must be mostly flat" - @Dawn

2019-08-18 19:48:08 UTC  

thats literally u

2019-08-18 19:48:10 UTC  

Your words, not mine.

2019-08-18 19:48:17 UTC

2019-08-18 19:48:19 UTC  

Spin the chlobie

2019-08-18 19:48:33 UTC  

These questions have nothing to do with earth shape

2019-08-18 19:48:38 UTC  


2019-08-18 19:48:52 UTC  

Yeah, it’s hard to see the curvature because how large earth is. Doesn’t mean it’s a flat earth dawg

2019-08-18 19:49:09 UTC  

@Dawn | It's not me at all, you only saw "mostly flat" role and thought it was bs. You didn't even bother to ask about what I mean by that or what it actually means.

2019-08-18 19:49:13 UTC  


2019-08-18 19:49:21 UTC  

i already answered this question

2019-08-18 19:49:28 UTC  

@Chillin' im just teasing. what shape do u really think the earth is ?