Message from @kino

Discord ID: 612960420164009994

2019-08-19 10:39:52 UTC  
2019-08-19 10:40:00 UTC  

its a flat earth

2019-08-19 10:40:03 UTC  

it is a flat earth

2019-08-19 10:40:06 UTC  

welcome to it

2019-08-19 10:40:10 UTC  

welkome to it

2019-08-19 10:40:16 UTC  

welcume to it

2019-08-19 10:41:00 UTC  

Seems like allied propaganda

2019-08-19 10:41:14 UTC  


2019-08-19 10:41:23 UTC  

Yeah pretty much

2019-08-19 10:41:35 UTC  

its flat whether you like it or not

2019-08-19 10:41:49 UTC  

and guess what

2019-08-19 10:41:50 UTC  

Just stop this and do something with your life. It's not too late to turn back. You can invent all the stupid, wrong scienfitic "proofs" you want and ignore as many as you want, but there is literally no reason why NASA would actively deceive the masses at a ridiculous expense of resources without literally any motivation to do so. There are no "Ice Walls". You can't use your intuition to "feel" the Earth moving. As long as there's no force acting against it, force only affects change in speed. An object can travel as fast as it wants in a vacuum and you'd never know. Countless scientists over the last 2000 years have provided more and more concrete evidence that the Earth is a globe, which you already know. If you want to invent your own version of science just to prove Flat Earth, whatever. But don't say that mocking you for ignoring "cOnVeNtIoNaL" scientific proofs is unjustified. Just because a wave can travel 85 miles, doesn't mean that the Earth has to be flat. That's not how waves work.

Is Flat Earth just a thing to feel like you're one-upping the "system"? Cause there are better ways of doing this that aren't mocked by almost everyone on Earth with any scientific understanding. Give up. People just view the Flat Earth community as an embarrassment to humanity, the creme de la creme of tin-foil hat conspiracy theory, the bottom of the gene pool. Banning anyone that disagrees with you? Not a great way to make people see credibility in any of these delusions. Even if we are living in some lie, does it really matter. If NASA wants to spend billions to persuade us we live on a globe, why does it concern you? It doesn't make any difference.

Maybe you won't even read this, but just stop. I don't blame you for wanting to find some deep truth to life, but this ain't it, chief.

2019-08-19 10:41:50 UTC
```No, the Earth measures mostly flat!```

2019-08-19 10:42:08 UTC  


2019-08-19 10:42:18 UTC  
2019-08-19 10:42:32 UTC  

thats one pathetic way to view flat earthers and truthers

2019-08-19 10:42:37 UTC  

My mind is blown

2019-08-19 10:44:04 UTC  

to you sheeple we may seem like "reality deniers" who are basically fat bearded losers in their 30s who are leeching off their parents bc they got no skill or money to pay the bills so we came up with these "bs" theories to make ourselves feel better and at the same time mock the world we hate

2019-08-19 10:44:09 UTC  

but no this aint the case

2019-08-19 10:44:45 UTC  

nAsA wOuLd nEvEr lIe

2019-08-19 10:45:52 UTC  

mock us all you want but the truth is there

2019-08-19 10:46:12 UTC  

whether im a pathetic loser in real life or not the earth is measurably flat and that fact wont change

2019-08-19 10:47:05 UTC  

nAsA iS sCiEnTiFiC

2019-08-19 10:47:11 UTC  

if anything you should feel pre bad about the fact that those fat bearded losers in their 30s know better than you with your pathetic college degree that got you 60k in debt but no job

2019-08-19 10:47:22 UTC

2019-08-19 10:47:36 UTC  

@Malachy Fox Look into geocentrism

2019-08-19 10:48:33 UTC  

@Malachy Fox You're so smart, why don't you explore what the flat earth model is before mocking it?

2019-08-19 10:48:42 UTC  

Mr. Dover#2681 Stop spamming! This is warning number 2

2019-08-19 10:48:43 UTC  

its the same picture but zoomed in u idiot

2019-08-19 10:49:34 UTC  


2019-08-19 10:50:01 UTC  

u know how big the earth is right

2019-08-19 10:50:10 UTC  

25k in circumference?

2019-08-19 10:50:17 UTC  

ur not just gonna see a curve off in the distance

2019-08-19 10:50:35 UTC  

if you do the math

2019-08-19 10:50:50 UTC  

and figure out the rate of curvature

2019-08-19 10:51:22 UTC  

if i knew u in real life i would slap u

2019-08-19 10:51:44 UTC  

lmao what did i say that was so triggering?

2019-08-19 10:51:49 UTC  

you didnt even let me finish

2019-08-19 10:52:00 UTC  

Why are you so hostile? Is globe indoctrination really that harsh?