Message from @Water and Spirit

Discord ID: 625617174509387777

2019-09-23 08:53:19 UTC  

Sounds so yummy!

2019-09-23 08:53:19 UTC  

i mean that's the bot in this discord not me ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-09-23 08:53:29 UTC  

yeh dosen

2019-09-23 08:53:35 UTC  

won't be gone for long

2019-09-23 08:54:20 UTC  

Anyone know a good video that shows flat earth is true without doubt

2019-09-23 08:56:20 UTC  

@Water and Spirit
Just purely a perspective; are there many things in this world that are without any doubt? Please don't take me as rude/offense, purely curious of your thoughts/perspective?

2019-09-23 08:56:22 UTC  

@Logrian whatโ€™s your theory on megaliths?

2019-09-23 08:56:54 UTC  

Say ancients did knowledge of levitation

2019-09-23 08:56:55 UTC  

Either what the Sumerians tell us about advanced species or giants, or a combination of both

2019-09-23 08:57:16 UTC  

They still would have problem quarrying such huge stones

2019-09-23 08:57:17 UTC  

as the Sumerians talk of making an ADDAMU/LELU for their works

2019-09-23 08:57:38 UTC  

The Bible Adam means MAN, an is taken from the Sumerian!

2019-09-23 08:58:05 UTC  


2019-09-23 08:58:09 UTC  


2019-09-23 08:58:15 UTC  

Adam is first man in the Bible

2019-09-23 08:58:20 UTC  

Sorry to burst your bubble fellah ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-09-23 08:58:26 UTC  

Sumerian came later

2019-09-23 08:58:36 UTC  

Bible is thousand of years AFTER Sumer sooooooooooooooo......

2019-09-23 08:58:37 UTC  

I hear these things a lot to be honest

2019-09-23 08:59:11 UTC  

The corrupt authorities pieced the Bible together from various older sources ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-09-23 08:59:17 UTC  

Nah Biblical text has existed since the beginning

2019-09-23 08:59:30 UTC  

Watch Richard Carrier to get a more in depth look into it, if youre interested?

2019-09-23 09:00:00 UTC  

Bible is only two thousand years old, well apart from books added 300 years later oc ๐Ÿ˜‰

2019-09-23 09:00:41 UTC  

Richard cattier is seen as a hack by many of the main stream secular historians

2019-09-23 09:00:53 UTC  

He denies Jesus existed....

2019-09-23 09:01:59 UTC  

You accept the possibility of giants existing? Existence of giants do not follow mainstream view my friend

2019-09-23 09:02:54 UTC  


2019-09-23 09:02:57 UTC  

@Rodeo Angel personally I donโ€™t doubt anything Jesus

2019-09-23 09:03:19 UTC  

I donโ€™t doubt that ancients depicted dinosaurs in the flesh

2019-09-23 09:32:55 UTC  

what we talking about?

2019-09-23 09:33:06 UTC  
2019-09-23 09:33:10 UTC  

you doing well today?

2019-09-23 09:33:18 UTC  

besides lack of sleep yea

2019-09-23 09:40:05 UTC  

oh sorry to hear

2019-09-23 09:40:36 UTC  

its my fault. i sleep mostly during the day and stay up all night

2019-09-23 10:27:23 UTC  

wat u typin?

2019-09-23 10:27:45 UTC  


2019-09-23 10:27:52 UTC  


2019-09-23 10:28:09 UTC  

Secret Agent Man ๐Ÿ˜„

2019-09-23 10:29:24 UTC  

So I have to do a school Project about flat earth and why it is or isn't real. And one question have is: How would u explain the heat underneath the Flat Earth, let me explain; In globe earth it is said that the earth is layers of stuff, and the middle layer is lava/magma wich makes it a higher temperature the deeper u go down. How does flat earth explain the heat and what is under the earth?