Message from @Vitmar
Discord ID: 630452303945793587
Water is always flat
Never observed to curve
I don’t settle at EM for “gravity”.
people hundreds of years ago didn't knew how to build computers
people hundreds of years ago prayed instead of doing surgeries
Yeh nah but stil it's a better attempt than densitt and buoyancy
Moving water curves across the land. (Rivers and streams)
also water is flat? More or less
Vibration? Electric fields?
Water is affected by electromagnetism. It's otherwise perfectly flat
This is a small-scale version of the Earth
More or less, water at rest is flat. Yes.
Computers,Surgery is irrelevant
They knew how liquids work
They were not idiots
With the North Pole at the center
if you take a little piece of the ocean it's indeed flat (unless you really really zoom in)
but if you take the whole earth, then it's not flat
That water body is small and at rest.
Please show measurable curvature on water or water curving
it's just that we're too small
unfortunetly I don't have such resouces
but spaceX does
The oceans aren’t flat. They have waves.
So in other words
You can’t and only making assumptions
This is how they make glass windows with molten tin ... At 3:30 it says (("the surface of any liquid is flawlessly flat"!!!)) .. Flat liquid equals Flat Earth .. take 10 seconds to watch that video segments
Got it 👍
I can't measure the curvature by that, but I had made other experiments
This stone is curved, curved stone = curved earth
Liquid at rest, yes. All else is broken surface tension.
I don’t care another other experiments
I want to see curvy water
Google surface elevation for Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. They are both 577 feet above sea LEVEL????
you can't, we're too small
and we don't have the money to do so
No curvature found
They can’t show you curving seas, unless they use a wide angle lens or space images.
Rip 8 inches per miles squared
u have to be taller to view a curved ocean
like much much more taller