Message from @shai'enne
Discord ID: 637114857887367178
We have a small field fire going in the town next door but it's not making the concerned list yet.
and by script I am referring to Tulsi G. not you @Groot
there are dozen major fires going but over 100 other smaller fires ongoing now.
This is what I don't understand why are there more fires in California then anywhere else in the country.
NOT u didn't sent me my script
And it's like clock work
@Monstro we have a "fire season" here we are in the peak right now. We haven't had rain where I am in a least 6 month.
Yes but they are blaming them on electrical failures and so on.
they only blame the ones on electrical failure when they want to get $ from utilties. Others, they likely start to get $ from the feds. then again some are natural or man accident.... but those are the small ones.
the utilites walk and fly there lines very regular and cut anything near the lines....I talk w/ them when they are walking the ones near me....pretty good at it.....thats' why I call B.S. on this nonsense.
Yes it's a money grab, because the liberal agenda there and politicians can't live in a fiscal budget. Look at the massive tax hikes and silly spending.
follow the $
That why I don't agree with this fiat central bank system because it breeds corruption
Fiat currency, central banking, and corruption are each separate processes to move wealth from the bottom of the pyramid to the top..masses to the few.
It is by design.
yeah, also known as a wealth transfer from the producers to those that produce nothing (parasites) and a wealth transfer from the middle class and destruction of the family via destroying the unit of account so people can never retire after working their asses off all their lives. A very Satanist system.
Hello @Freedom One
Hi @shai'enne and @Freedom One
hey hey
How are ya'll
patiently waiting for lady justice to arrive
Hey Gang ! @Freedom One @shai'enne @Groot @Monstro @Notsoperfect @Ron Ward
Any one use VOAT here? Specifically
Yep...I'm still living on Alaska
@Groot had to put my 2 cents in here. Im right by Laurel Canyon, LA, where the first fires started last time. I saw a city zoning map overlay with the fires and they matched perfectly. They want to tear down the private old beautiful homes down to built cubicle apartments in their place and rezone for the over population in the city. Same zoning maps fit up north in Sonoma.
Agenda 2030
Pack em and stack em in zones
Ala Hunger Games
Ain't gonna happen
Watch Commiefornia per Q
Well underway here in Cali @Freedom One in every matter the size.
for now...until the we go bak to an honest money system and rule of law
Some are pointing out the fires could be to move people out or to clear for new developments.
All that crap is Soros scumbag and his handlers agenda to control us. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.