Message from @ShellB

Discord ID: 636782775860461568

2019-10-24 01:24:22 UTC  
2019-10-24 03:56:19 UTC

2019-10-24 04:27:24 UTC  
2019-10-24 04:36:28 UTC  
2019-10-24 04:52:13 UTC  
2019-10-24 05:13:27 UTC  
2019-10-24 05:19:38 UTC  

This article does NOT cite the reference, but here it is in any case. Not sure if someone else posted it.

2019-10-24 07:14:42 UTC  
2019-10-24 07:42:36 UTC  

I am not endording the above site just caught my attention because of this document

2019-10-24 07:48:05 UTC  
2019-10-24 08:01:10 UTC  
2019-10-24 08:28:16 UTC  
2019-10-24 08:57:43 UTC

They decided they would impeach Trump when he was elected. They thought, as they had their media, Hollywood, and other deep state assets in place, they could gas-light the American public..again. They just needed some dirt on the President. They needed to catch him doing something wrong. They had spied on Trump even before he announced but they had nothing. They had to continue to spy, to taunt him, to do something wrong. So they first claimed he was a Russian assets, and the Mueller report contained nothing but MSM smear pieces. They tried multiple sex scandals. They complain loudly about every tweet and action the President makes. And now they are interviewing their assets and other people who are willing, in this fake impeachment inquiry, that even Republican representatives are not allowed to hear. (Secret proceeding). If we actually had a representative government, rather than this sham, what prosperity and real “progress” we all could have experienced, instead of their chosen. But instead we have to endure these clowns abusing their power, working to unseat the best President ever.

2019-10-24 09:02:54 UTC  
2019-10-24 09:14:12 UTC

Who says women are not also responsible for sexual harassment? The same people who say a man can not also be the target for unwanted sexual attention. I have heard some young women talking among themselves. Their talk made the access Hollywood tapes sound like two boy scouts talking. And they would be the first to yell “Me too”. #Hypocrites.

2019-10-24 09:18:49 UTC