Message from @In2it2ru2

Discord ID: 469235321020743700

2018-07-18 20:03:12 UTC  

@Dinger Interesting Mueller is giving Podesta Bros. immunity as they were deeply involved in uranium one as was Mueller. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

2018-07-18 20:04:31 UTC  

Man thrown out of Trump/Putin joint presser apparently planned to ask about Israeli Nuke Program. Continues with another tweet in thread.

2018-07-18 20:05:04 UTC  

I’ve seen videos of the Iraq soldiers from a soldier that was their training them, and they have no self control.

2018-07-18 20:06:21 UTC  

@gavin giant They probably have no respect for the foreign "infidel" training them.

2018-07-18 20:06:23 UTC  

BREAKING: According to DNC sources the DNC server contains communications that outline illegal alien voting and other forms of voter fraud being coordinated by Democrat operatives in all 50 states...developing

2018-07-18 20:07:13 UTC  

Red October, the October Uprising, the Bolshevik Revolution,[2] or the Bolshevik Coup, was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolsheviks and Vladimir Lenin that was instrumental in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917. It took place with an armed insurrection in Petrograd on 7 November (25 October, Old Style) 1917.

It followed and capitalized on the February Revolution of the same year, which overthrew the Tsarist autocracy and resulted in a provisional government after a transfer of power proclaimed by Grand Duke Michael, brother of Tsar Nicolas II, who declined to take power after the Tsar stepped down. During this time, urban workers began to organize into councils (Russian: Soviet) wherein revolutionaries criticized the provisional government and its actions. After the Congress of Soviets, now the governing body, had its second session, it elected members of the Bolsheviks and other leftist groups such as the Left Socialist Revolutionaries to important positions within the new state of affairs. This immediately initiated the establishment of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, the world's first self-proclaimed socialist state. On 17 July 1918, the Tsar and his family were executed. --

2018-07-18 20:07:39 UTC  

You could put it that way, or how I see it, is they are thick as two short planks @Sara

2018-07-18 20:08:24 UTC

2018-07-18 20:08:30 UTC  

@gavin giant There is that, too.

2018-07-18 20:10:30 UTC

2018-07-18 20:11:57 UTC  

@Dina I don't know what to think of Eric Prince.

2018-07-18 20:12:29 UTC  

The lefties need a taste of their own medicine. But they will shout help help. Like pussies

2018-07-18 20:12:50 UTC  

@Sara (jb ja 100) Do you have doubts about him

2018-07-18 20:13:38 UTC  
2018-07-18 20:15:09 UTC  

@svizzy Doesn't matter what he was as he was not allowed in the press conference to protest. He could have been a big boy and just asked his question.

2018-07-18 20:15:47 UTC  
2018-07-18 20:15:52 UTC  
2018-07-18 20:16:44 UTC  

Iron Eagle: An Iron Eagle is an American military officer who has attained the rank of Colonel but will not be promoted to the rank of General. The term refers to the rank insignia a colonel wears, which resembles an eagle.

2018-07-18 20:17:40 UTC  

@DJ66DEPLORABLE They wanted to expose that closing Ice was Democrat hot air.

2018-07-18 20:17:41 UTC  

I’m going to go watch soapbox I’ll put some newish Tommy stuff later, stay safe and vigilant

2018-07-18 20:20:18 UTC  
2018-07-18 20:20:42 UTC

2018-07-18 20:21:04 UTC  

@Nightring It is amazing all the previously hidden evil that is dancing out loud from the left.

2018-07-18 20:22:39 UTC  

I could paint a beheaded picture of Obama but I bet my art dealers would not hang it up.

2018-07-18 20:22:41 UTC  

@Sara True indeed... Been watching stuff like this since I first got a computer back in 99 or 2000 or so... It shocked me when I realized what was going on... That Compton Creep person that article talks about is worth a dig for sure...

2018-07-18 20:22:52 UTC  

@Sara that is the truth. They need to keep calling them dims out.