Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 469870943842598912

2018-07-20 14:12:27 UTC  

@Pawhuska @Sara Good morning ☕☕☺

2018-07-20 14:13:03 UTC  

@Dina Good morning to you, too. : )

2018-07-20 14:14:03 UTC  

😤 Republicans Catch Democrats In Trap Vote 😤 They wisely forced a vote on a resolution that would force the democrats to pick sides, and to do so in front of all the citizens of the nation.

2018-07-20 14:16:18 UTC

2018-07-20 14:16:35 UTC  


2018-07-20 14:17:32 UTC  
2018-07-20 14:17:55 UTC  

👋 MORE reasons why the Dems can kiss their ‘blue wave’ GOODBYE in November 👋

2018-07-20 14:19:43 UTC

2018-07-20 14:26:49 UTC  

🔫 LIBERALS SHOCKED THAT A REPUBLICAN USED A GUN TO SAVE HIS OWN LIFE 🔫 👉 Liberals carry around a lot of spare outrage, but that’s different than shock. They don’t actually live in the real world, so nothing is generally shocking to them. That is until they learned that a Republican candidate once used a gun to save his own life. This goes against everything liberals falsely believe about guns. Luckily, they have the ability to dismiss facts that run counter to the bullshit they all believe. 👈