Message from @AlfredFonzerlle

Discord ID: 470617711240544256

2018-07-22 15:42:08 UTC  

Protest activities are set to take place all day throughout the country at major intersections and in front of government offices.
A pro-LGBT campaign that began with the support a few dozen companies snowballed over the weekend, with hundreds of major companies joining the nationwide strike set for Sunday to protest a law passed last week that denies state-supported surrogacy to homosexual couples and single men.

All companies and organizations joining the strike will allow their employees to take a paid day off work to join the protest. While some of the businesses extended the offer specifically to LGBT employees, others said that any employee who wished to join the protest would be given the day off. Some companies have gone the extra mile, stating that they will financially support employees who want to start a family through surrogacy.

The bill – enacted Thursday just before the Knesset recessed for the summer – expanded eligibility for state-funded surrogacy to include single women rather than only married heterosexual couples, as it had previously done. But it stopped there, generating uproar among the LGBT community and its supporters.

2018-07-22 15:42:23 UTC  

Those who have expressed support of the strike include major Israeli media and TV networks, top hi-tech companies, retail, grocery and cosmetics giants, banks and many more.

The Aguda – Israel’s LGBT Task Force – is coordinating the efforts and LGBTech has been leveraging its network, as the organization championing LGBT+ professionals, to get companies on board.

“We are seeing a social wave of support for the LGBT+ community, not just on the issue of surrogacy, which was the catalyst on this occasion, but for the very idea of a just and equal society,” Jeremy Seeff, a director of the LGBTech group and founder of the Israeli Diversity Standard (IDS) charter, told The Jerusalem Post.

2018-07-22 15:42:44 UTC  

Trans-gendered people are being stabbed in the streets, discriminatory laws are being passed and inequality is far reaching,” Seeff said. “Companies are, for the first time on this scale, showing that there is social but also commercial value in standing up for equality, and are proving to be critical drivers for change. Through the Israel Diversity Standard, we plan to engage these companies (and many more) to ensure not just immediate action, but also long term defense of basic human rights.”

The IDS is a benchmark for LGBT inclusivity in business in Israel, which was launched at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in March 2017. To date, 18 of Israel’s largest and best-known companies have endorsed the gender diversity initiative. Through the IDS, companies gain access to best practices, as well as a network of professionals interested in ensuring LGBT people are included and celebrated in the workplace.

The Aguda encouraged all those striking to leave an out-of-office message explaining the reason for their absence, in order to raise awareness. An example the Aguda gave reads as follows: “I’m not at work today because I believe that all human beings are equal – straight and LGBT. I also joined the largest protest strike in the history of the State of Israel in protest against LGBT-phobic legislation, in protest against the fact that the State of Israel does not allow equality to the gay community in all areas of life and as a protest against the harsh violence against the transgender community.”

Protests are scheduled throughout Sunday across the country. Participating cities and communities include Even Yehuda, Kochav Yair, Kfar Saba, Afula, Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Beersheba, Karmiel, Kiryat Shmona, Ra’anana, Modi’in, Haifa, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Activities include dialogue circles, protest tents, and demonstrations at major intersections and in front of government complexes.

2018-07-22 15:42:48 UTC

2018-07-22 15:43:27 UTC  

What? Barack Obama Says He’s ‘First American President From Kenya’ In Foreign Speech - Tea Party News

2018-07-22 15:43:31 UTC  

Dutch police officer knocked out by Muslim man (

2018-07-22 15:45:03 UTC  

Kiddie "Commie Camp" Creating Antifa Flags - Teaching A New Generation Of Terrorists As Radicalism Becomes The New Norm For The Democratic Party

2018-07-22 15:45:17 UTC

2018-07-22 15:45:22 UTC

2018-07-22 15:45:59 UTC

2018-07-22 15:46:25 UTC  

One day after Israel evacuated some 800 Syrian White Helmets, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the action "an important humanitarian step," according to a statement his office released on Sunday.

"In the last few days, the United States President Donald Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and several others asked for our help in assisting hundreds of Syrian "white helmets." These are people that saved lives and were found in life-threatening danger. I therefore permitted their transfer through Israel to additional countries, as an important humanitarian step."

"In parallel, we are not stopping to act in Syria against the attempts of military entrenchment of Iran there."

2018-07-22 15:46:30 UTC

2018-07-22 15:46:46 UTC  

Vatican-approved journal strikes out at U.S. evangelicals and spread of 'prosperity gospel'

2018-07-22 15:46:52 UTC  
2018-07-22 15:47:14 UTC

2018-07-22 15:47:45 UTC

2018-07-22 15:48:09 UTC  

Netanyahu: Trump and Trudeau Asked Israel to Help Take White Helmets Out of Syria
Israel evacuated some 800 members of the humanitarian organization from Syria in overnight mission

2018-07-22 15:48:25 UTC  

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that U.S. President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were two of the world leaders that asked Israel to help rescue hundreds of members of the humanitarian organization White Helmets and their families from Syria
Israel evacuated some 800 members of the humanitarian organization from Syria overnight Saturday, allowing them across the Syrian-Israeli border and then transporting them to Jordan. The operation was confirmed by both the Israeli army and the Jordanian Foreign Ministry.
>> Israel evacuates 800 members of White Helmets rescue organization to Jordan
In a video statement, Netanyahu said "President Trump and also Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, as well as others, requested us to help take out from Syria hundreds of White Helmets members. These people who saved lives were now under life-threatening danger," Netanyahu said in a video statement. "I therefore authorized for them to be transferred through Israel to other countries as an important humanitarian measure."

2018-07-22 15:48:42 UTC  

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The office on EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini released a statement saying that "The EU recognizes the essential efforts of Israel and Jordan, and of all others… who contributed to bringing the White Helmets and their families to safety. We reiterate our call for an immediate cessation of hostilities, and full humanitarian access to all Syrian people in need."
Under the tightest secrecy, the White Helmets began to bring its people together, and the activists were told to come to two points along the fence – one at the northern Golan Heights, near Quneitra, and the other at near the Israel-Syria-Jordanian border.

2018-07-22 15:49:10 UTC  

They traveled to those points on foot and by other means. At 11 P.M. Saturday night, the army opened the border crossings, closely guarding the evacuees for fear they would be attacked as they crossed into Israel. The Syrian activists and civilians were put on buses, and Israeli soldiers gave them food on the bus as it traveled to the crossing point with Jordan. No stops were made.

2018-07-22 15:49:27 UTC  

The Jordanians were waiting, as planned, on their side of the border. By 6 A.M. Sunday, all 800 had been moved to Jordanian buses. Most of the people were children, some of them relatives of the activists and others orphans that had been injured in the battles.
The White Helmets are sponsored by humanitarian groups mainly in the United States and Canada and works in Syria to provide food, psychological support and other assistance.

2018-07-22 15:50:43 UTC

2018-07-22 15:50:53 UTC

2018-07-22 15:51:18 UTC

2018-07-22 15:51:36 UTC