Message from @Crystal

Discord ID: 471323769412124673

2018-07-24 14:28:54 UTC  

Reliable loons Roseanne Barr, former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and Minecraft creator (and Pizzagate supporter) Markus “Notch” Persson have all signed on. Barr and Persson, for instance, tweeted out abbreviations of the QAnon slogan, “Where we go one, we go all,” to millions of followers. And, of course, Infowars’ resident nut Alex Jones is involved ― he said in January that the White House called on him and his team of dinguses to investigate QAnon.

There are so many conspiracy theories under the QAnon umbrella now that anything and everything can feel like a dog whistle to its followers. Recently, followers latched on to Hollywood director James Gunn. Gunn was fired by Disney last week after alt-right troll Mike Cernovich helped surface old tweets in which he joked about pedophilia and rape. Underlying the fake-outrage campaign was the QAnon-friendly notion that Hollywood is lousy with pedophiles. Even Sen. Ted Cruz got in on the fun.

2018-07-24 14:29:18 UTC  

Q” hasn’t posted anything since July 4, leaving those followers frantic for something to do. If the unhinged LARPing of Wright and Meyer is any indication, that something could easily tip over into violence.

2018-07-24 14:29:32 UTC  

Many Blessings to President Trump 70 times 7 in the HOLY Name of Jesus/Yeshua thus protection from the enemies of this world that they will be defeated an never happened at all.

2018-07-24 14:31:13 UTC  

President Trump departs Washington, DC en route to Kansas City, MO to speak at the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States National Convention.

2018-07-24 14:31:28 UTC  

Shows just how tough Slick Willy really is living with the Sea Hag

2018-07-24 14:32:00 UTC  

🚨 URGENT ALERT: If You Have This Popular Product In Your Pantry, Throw It Out ASAP 🚨 July 24, 2018 💥 According to NBC News, more than a dozen Ritz cracker products have been recalled due to possible salmonella contamination 💥

2018-07-24 14:32:50 UTC  

We have a YUGE job ahead of us no time to waste

2018-07-24 14:32:50 UTC  

FLASH FLOOD WATCH: Heavy showers and storms continue Tuesday as the D.C. region braces for the possibility of more flooding. A Flash Flood Watch is in place through 6 p.m. Wednesday. Mike Thomas Fox 5 has a weather update. FORECAST:

2018-07-24 14:33:11 UTC  

MAN SHOT BY POLICE DURING BARRICADE: A man was shot by police after authorities say he barricaded himself inside his ex-girlfriend’s Montgomery County home Monday night with their 3-year-old son. STORY:

This is LIVE coverage from reporters and photojournalists on the scene - you may occasionally hear them speaking with the control room. Audio may become unavailable at times. Sudden camera adjustments may also occur.

2018-07-24 14:33:32 UTC  

WATCH: People were protesting in San Francisco after an 18-year-old woman was fatally stabbed in the neck at a BART train station. A 27-year-old suspect has been arrested for the attack, officials said. MORE:

2018-07-24 14:34:28 UTC  

This type of "Journalism" Makes me sick!!