Message from @SighOperator

Discord ID: 471397795761356822

2018-07-24 19:23:16 UTC  

We have posted these declassified reports on, Clarion Project’s comprehensive website about the group.

Fuqra has a documented history of conducting basic paramilitary training in America and elsewhere, including more advanced training in Pakistan and Kashmir.

Gilani appeared in a secret video in the early 1990s offering to use Fuqra offices to provide guerilla training to aspiring jihadists. Clarion Project also released a video from 2001-2002 showing women in military attire getting training at Islamberg.

One of Fuqra’s terrorist-training camps, a 101-acre tract of land in Colorado, was raided in 1992. It was subsequently abandoned by the group, as reported in this recent KRDO news report with Heather Skold. You can see pictures from the investigation into the Colorado Fuqra camp on the Fuqra Files website.

Fuqra fugitives from the training camp were even the subject of an episode of America’s Most Wanted in 1994.

Although these FBI documents from 2009-2011 state that Fuqra has about a dozen “jamaats” in America, the group itself claims to have 22 “Islamic villages” in America alone. The locations for these “Islamic villages” are identified as “Islamberg” in New York, as well as other villages in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Michigan, Canada and Trinidad and Tobago.

2018-07-24 19:23:33 UTC  

The group also has operations in Pakistan, Kashmir, Canada, Trinidad, Venezuela and elsewhere (Fuqra has a history of being secretive and deceptive about its locations).

FBI reports from a 2003-2007 investigation in Texas warned, “The MOA [Fuqra] is now an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.”

That infrastructure can legally operate because Fuqra is not designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the State Department. The Treasury Department has not sanctioned the group’s overseas leaders and entities, either.

Over a dozen North American Muslim groups have joined Clarion Project in asking the U.S. State Department to look at designating Fuqra as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms recently confirmed to Clarion Project that it still has Fuqra members under investigation. ATF has prosecuted Fuqra members on firearms-related charges, including illegal possession of guns.

Clarion Project also recently reported that Fuqra’s General Counsel, Tahirah Amatul-Wadud, is running for Congress in Massachusetts.

2018-07-24 19:24:06 UTC  

@Sailor yes Indeed it is sometimes this heat can make a person fill like weak fatigue ughhh

2018-07-24 19:24:23 UTC  

Clinton Body Count Grows, JFK Jr’s Mysterious Death Linked To Hillary’s Big Win

2018-07-24 19:24:49 UTC  

Yeah sucks your energy away. 😉

2018-07-24 19:25:05 UTC  

@WeeOne remember how they were cremated right after they were recovered from the plane?

2018-07-24 19:26:29 UTC  

Ivanka Trump Closing Her Namesake Fashion Brand

2018-07-24 19:26:32 UTC

2018-07-24 19:27:24 UTC

2018-07-24 19:27:47 UTC  

How is this Q related?

2018-07-24 19:27:53 UTC  
2018-07-24 19:28:02 UTC  


2018-07-24 19:28:06 UTC

2018-07-24 19:28:29 UTC  

@Sara how is that Q related?

2018-07-24 19:28:34 UTC  

Clowns in America

2018-07-24 19:28:53 UTC  

👋 Sigh

2018-07-24 19:29:07 UTC  

via chans

2018-07-24 19:29:40 UTC  

What's your favorite color @Sara you're not a bot are ya?

2018-07-24 19:30:36 UTC  

@Q Incidents Got a bot?