Message from @H.D.P

Discord ID: 764103448122884116

2020-10-09 12:26:45 UTC  

Its once you get into Calc and Trig

2020-10-09 12:26:51 UTC  

I took AP Calc

2020-10-09 12:26:54 UTC  

Shit was fuckin aids

2020-10-09 12:27:15 UTC  

@Óðinn I've heard that many times about calculus

2020-10-09 12:27:36 UTC  

Ill have to take it again when I go back to school

2020-10-09 12:27:49 UTC  

My kid is taking algebra 1 now

2020-10-09 12:28:54 UTC  

His math is 2 grades ahead, so it seems he will do well in math.

2020-10-09 12:29:45 UTC  

Surprisingly all the math at work is formulas so everything is pretty easy

2020-10-09 12:30:07 UTC  

Alot of fluid mechanics

2020-10-09 12:30:26 UTC  

Fluids act weird.

2020-10-09 12:30:59 UTC  

algebra is so fucking hard

2020-10-09 12:31:16 UTC  

im actually retarded when it comes to it

2020-10-09 12:31:24 UTC  

Don't worry trig is much, much harder than algebra

2020-10-09 12:33:05 UTC  

Algebra is easy

2020-10-09 12:33:20 UTC  

If you don’t get it you’re just distracted

2020-10-09 12:33:27 UTC  

Algebra is divine

2020-10-09 12:33:39 UTC  

Learn algebra or to the mines you go

2020-10-09 12:33:45 UTC  

And trig isn’t hard

2020-10-09 12:34:03 UTC  

Trig is hard when even your teacher doesn't know it <:atlast:758774926869004348>

2020-10-09 12:34:10 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:34:18 UTC  

I’ve encountered that before

2020-10-09 12:34:25 UTC  

It’s all just identities

2020-10-09 12:34:28 UTC  

And transformations

2020-10-09 12:35:37 UTC  

the entire course was taught through an online testing apparatus that had infinite retries and timeouts so i just bullshitted my way through the whole year without learning anything

2020-10-09 12:36:13 UTC  

Algebra is very easy to understand

2020-10-09 12:36:21 UTC  

Calc and Trig are when things get retarded

2020-10-09 12:37:18 UTC  

i really hope i dont have to take any calc for military training

2020-10-09 12:37:21 UTC  

It’s not hard it just is a lot of memorization

2020-10-09 12:37:28 UTC  

Not to mention my calc teacher knew just as much about AP Calc as we did

2020-10-09 12:37:42 UTC  

When you’re prime desire is to get your dick wet how can you learn all that bullshit

2020-10-09 12:38:15 UTC  

my prime desire was to smoke pot and play vidya, i did awful in high school

2020-10-09 12:38:31 UTC  

i was find in school till my second semester of junior year

2020-10-09 12:38:38 UTC  

senioritis was real lol

2020-10-09 12:38:45 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:39:08 UTC  

i could have taken all AP classes if i cared but just didn't

2020-10-09 12:39:20 UTC  

I didnt even take the AP Calc exam

2020-10-09 12:39:56 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:40:11 UTC  

the modern democrat party is like a mind control cult that would make Charlie Manson PUKE!
It is
demonazi !
At the end of World War Two, the United States brought a great many nazis into the U.S.A. to aid in the ideological struggle against communism. These nazis infiltrated every strata of American Life, and have been trying to destroy the country from within for many years now.
Evil is the desire for power and control over the lives of others.
The Muslims often say " The enemy of My enemy is My Friend ".
The truth is, the enemy of My enemy might be an even MORE evil butthole than My enemy.
nazis convinced the Muslims that the where "liberating" them from the abuses inflicted upon them by the colonial powers, Mostly Great Britain and France.
However, the nazis hold ALL religious faiths beneath contempt, because national socialism is of the devil.
I am Closedanger
and I approve this message

2020-10-09 12:40:13 UTC  


2020-10-09 12:41:33 UTC