Message from @trusty rusty ✌

Discord ID: 477825895059423232

2018-08-11 12:55:25 UTC  

@Orion91 Hopefully far enough away from the Windy City......😀

2018-08-11 12:56:05 UTC  

So Lee Stranahan is now calling all Q followers some very choice names and see how abusive he is towards Q folk who ask him for facts to back up his claim that Q is an arm of MSM. He keeps dropping out the word 'cult' to describe Q Whilst at the same time saying "dont believe Q believe me. I am always right, give me money." The guy is desperate to split the POTUS base. Hold on its a bumpy ride.

2018-08-11 12:56:05 UTC

2018-08-11 12:56:57 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ Oh yea I live up on the Illinois Wisconsin border. Far enough away but you can still see the effects of that shit hole. Sorry for the language.

2018-08-11 12:57:09 UTC

2018-08-11 12:59:45 UTC  

@Orion91 I know what you mean....I thought it was pretty bad here in Atlanta, but I'm about 40 miles from downtown and it's pretty nice where I'm at. Of course I'm kind of isolated, only one neighbor close enough to see. Pretty wooded and secluded. Dead end no traffic....

2018-08-11 13:02:29 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ I am kind of in the same spot. We bought our house that is on an island with 2 bridge access and kind of isolated. We have neighbors but they are all pretty like minded all very cool. Much better than the rat race that exists just a few miles away.

2018-08-11 13:05:03 UTC  

Yea, I hear you....We've been here 18 years, on a lake, fishin is good. and the neighbors I do know are pretty cool, although they is a lot of turnover. So we' pretty much know who is around until someone else moves in.

2018-08-11 13:05:24 UTC  


2018-08-11 13:07:12 UTC  

Kinda like the old Grandparents had a giant Bell in their front yard for emergencies. Whoever could hear it would come a runnin.....😃

2018-08-11 13:07:57 UTC

2018-08-11 13:09:30 UTC  

@silowetr Top 'of the day to ya............👍

2018-08-11 13:10:29 UTC  
2018-08-11 13:11:12 UTC  

Apartheid on the Potomac Now, while South Africa didn't start booking its youths until they were 16, the District wants to start at 2 years old. And while failure to produce a passbook could have landed you in jail in South Africa, D.C. officials want
us to believe that maintaining a central computerized database will somehow improve the searches for missing and exploited children. 👉 👉

2018-08-11 13:11:33 UTC  

and Bingo was his name...........🎵

2018-08-11 13:11:58 UTC  


2018-08-11 13:14:00 UTC  

@trustyrusty Check the web site above its unbelievable How sick these people are

2018-08-11 13:15:03 UTC  

Yea, I was just reading that........SICKO'S.............NO RESPECT FOR HUMANITY. SAD!!!!!

2018-08-11 13:15:21 UTC  

@silowetr G'day mate great show last night.

2018-08-11 13:16:08 UTC  

The educate-yourself site is full of never before seen by me stories

2018-08-11 13:16:20 UTC  

@Orion91 i was there for the begining lol

2018-08-11 13:17:01 UTC  

I just found it last week

2018-08-11 13:18:15 UTC  

Honestly, I never thought I would see the days like this. I always knew there was corruption and evil....but it has gone to another level. The problem is's so blatantly obvious and right out in the open. Even worse they get away with it. SOMETHING HAS GOT TO BE DONE.

2018-08-11 13:18:18 UTC  

@silowetr Yea me Sparks and Romo were up until about 2:30 central just chatting and listening to the show. Great night and moving a little slow this morning if ya know what I mean. 3 hours sleep is not enough..LOL

2018-08-11 13:20:01 UTC  

@trustyrusty Amen Brother

2018-08-11 13:20:01 UTC  

me to mate long days short nights! tell me how thats not how u win a war💪 @Orion91

2018-08-11 13:20:13 UTC  

@bing00 😉

2018-08-11 13:20:17 UTC  

read my latest ^^^

2018-08-11 13:20:46 UTC  

@silowetr Plenty of time for rest after victory.

2018-08-11 13:21:05 UTC  

@Axiom.moixa🗝 Would you put a link to your article please?