Message from @Sara
Discord ID: 491287629795688458
# hrs ago in Brooklyn NY
@Breaking Spectre WHEN!!!!!!!🤯🤔🤔
Whoa, looks like 3 hours ago, "Cars were on fire and exploding in the parking lot. Looks like they got it under control
Kings Plaza in Bklyn, NY"
I say do it Wikileaks style like the lead-up to the 2016 election...drop a 1000 e-mails a day
Michael Geraci also said, "cars were on fire in the parking lot. The fire is out, everything under contol.
It looked a lot worse than what it was thankfully. It's all over now, this was 3 hours ago"
Have Chris Cuomo tell us it's illegal to read them, and only for the media to parrot out....
Tweets, current page. Tweets & replies Media
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
2h2 hours ago
Immediately after Comey’s firing Peter Strzok texted to his lover, Lisa Page “We need to Open the case we’ve been waiting on now while Andy (McCabe, also fired) is acting. Page answered, “We need to lock in (redacted). In a formal chargeable way. Soon.” Wow, a conspiracy caught?
11,104 replies 12,820 retweets 37,677 likes
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Donald J. Trump
Verified account
2h2 hours ago
“Lisa Page Testimony- NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION BEFORE MUELLER APPOINTMENT.” @FoxNews by Catherine Herridge. Therefore, the case should never have been allowed to be brought. It is a totally illegal Witch Hunt!
8,599 replies 9,535 retweets 30,800 likes
Reply 8.6K Retweet 9.5K Like 31K
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
6h6 hours ago
Our Steel Industry is the talk of the World. It has been given new life, and is thriving. Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!
14,200 replies 11,377 retweets 43,965 likes
Reply 14K Retweet 11K Like 44K
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
6h6 hours ago
Tariffs have put the U.S. in a very strong bargaining position, with Billions of Dollars, and Jobs, flowing into our Country - and yet cost increases have thus far been almost unnoticeable. If countries will not make fair deals with us, they will be “Tariffed!”
9,849 replies 11,505 retweets 46,612 likes
Reply 9.8K Retweet 12K Like 47K
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
7h7 hours ago
“A lot of small & medium size enterprises are registering very good profit, sometimes record profits-there stocks are doing very well, low income workers are getting big raises. There are an awful lot of good things going on that weren’t during Pres. Obama’s Watch.” Peter Morici
“Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable.” – ILN, 10/23/09
@**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨** I have not gotten the drop you posted. Would you mind posting the link for the you tube video. Thanks.
@Sara I dropped an Anon from 8 chan ..its not a NEW Q
Itry to find the link
for the vid
Not a new Q. Looks like a quote. Ronald Bernard.
Thanks @**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨** You are so sweet.
Check out @seanhannity’s Tweet:
more fake news
Fed up with fake news Jaws took matters into his own fins lol.
sara carter retweeted