Message from @NubTIK
Discord ID: 753395660371525753
Cutting off the foreskin can prevent medical defects, easier to clean And is popular amongst most people. Cutting off the arm is non of the above
the result of doing it is out of the question here
its the right to personal atonomy
The one kid that wasn’t circumcised in my high school that I know about got made fun off all through high school and was called the hooded bandit
I don’t want my son to be called the hooded bandit
in your culture it makes sense that it's looked down upon, since the majority has gotten it done
a very good way to stray away from the question at hand though
in my school everyone had 1 toe and 2 teeth
the kid with 3 teeth got pulled and was called the fork
better pull the third one out
I wasn’t using the example of the kid as any legitimate point I was just making a joke
I don’t find the topic of circumcision worth making a giant fuss over since there’s not a real large or even somewhat large group of people who were circumcised standing up and talking about the horrors they face because they were circumcised
I think this topic is honestly a waste of time when there’s better more important topics to talk about. But each to there own
i agree it's a waste of time talking about it, but I also find it weird you don't think its a violation of their atonomy
Because a mother just birthed that child which just a second ago was part of the mothers anatomy. I think if anyone were to make that decision it would be the mothers right
is this another joke argument?
if you think this is a good argument you can LITERALLY make the case for cutting off their arm
if its her anatomy
why not?
Because it’s not something that happens
Be reasonable
but what if it would? would you support it?
I can’t stand when people have to use unreasonable analogy’s because that’s the only way they can back up there point
Cutting off a child’s arm for one could kill the baby and two the baby would be forever crippled
and if the mother decided to cripple her own anatomy, why not?
The same cannot be said for circumcision
Because that’s obviously against human rights
exactly my point
If you really can’t see a difference between human circumcision and cutting off an arm then you’re ridiculous
there is a massive difference between the two, thats not the point
so do you support female genital mutilation?