Message from @Blue Sailor
Discord ID: 735333308006793306
> @m.miller which?
@Pro Male Revolutionary the ideology you have adapted lends itself to easy justification of suicide and I'm a bit fragile at the moment so I just had to tap out.
@Pro Male Revolutionary be careful with this. Some people (me right now) are psychologically destabilized. Please don't push this. I removed myself from the chat for reasons pertaining to my own personal safety.
@Pro Male Revolutionary I don't have the emotional capacity to hear you out right now. I'm sorry.
Beautiful song
> @m.miller there
@Pro Male Revolutionary you don't need to be uncool about it.
> @m.miller I don't understand
@Pro Male Revolutionary I took that as a passive aggressive move. Sorry if I misunderstood. And yes. :)
Damn. what's going on?
Not me the jew in me is allergic
i think i'm gonna get that book about behavioral genetics
the guy that sam had on recently
Yes, Germany used them in bad way
@Pro Male Revolutionary I'm sorry, I don't want to contribute to your negative wellbeing. I just am not capable of being a quality interlocutor at this moment.
Cats are better
Dog gang 4 life
Not my cats I protect them with my guns
No love is unconditional
> The only like you when they need something from you
@Pro Male Revolutionary lovely
> No love is unconditional
@Ghost rider Unless it's a dog's love.
Nope, dogs love is not unconditional
> @m.miller it's sad
@Pro Male Revolutionary not all women are like that. :)
Prove love can be unconditional
> @Blue Sailor sometimes I think we should genocide all the dogs for their own benefit
@Pro Male Revolutionary uuuuhhhhhh dafaq
I thought you were team dog @Pro Male Revolutionary
Not some Micahel Vick dog nazi mix
> @Ghost rider bro dogs are retarded
@Pro Male Revolutionary my dog is a medical alert dog! She's super smart.
my friend has a dog that is surprisingly smart
@Pro Male Revolutionary you aren't being very clear.
@Pro Male Revolutionary maybe you should talk to a therapist...
dude who the fuck is this dude
You mean euthanize dogs that are in terrible situations that won't get better?
> @m.miller bro therapy is totally useless
@Pro Male Revolutionary i disagree. I've had a lot of benefits from it.
@Pro Male Revolutionary I'm concerned about your mental health.
How do you know there is an next life?
> @Ghost rider I don't think that there is and I hope there isn't
@Pro Male Revolutionary this is really worrying.