Message from @Thrax
Discord ID: 754072833050804307
i to be fair, you were justifying it. and that involves sometype of reasoning
Well I'm disagreeing is that ok?
i was justifying my opinion. But I wasn't making some kind of objective claim
thats fine he can disagree with you and have a disscussion about it no?
its okay to disagree but you've now said like 4 times 'This is all just your opinion'
when i stated that from the beginning
i see
Ok got it
You can also send Matt an email
Call not required
doubt he'll answer
not worth it
also i do way better in back and forths
in real time
Well shiitt
i dont rly like longform email discussions
not my thing
Thrax did you mean to say that he was making an objective claim? or were you tryign to talk about how his opinon is ill based
That was my point
what info was i missing or what info did i invoke that was bad
I already addressed that
> His opinion is based on lack of/bad info
@Thrax you mean interpertation of vlaue ?
all i see is 'he pays taxes and has given to charity' lmao
youre both just talking in circles now
bc he never disagreed with you r facts
You make value judgements on Matt's life based on what you feel is meaningful.
everyone does that
thats what we do as humans
well also lets be not saying his actual life isnt valuable
Well I do not agree that's all
im saying he hasnt contributed, by my estimation, anything of substantial value to the world via his career as an atheist proselytizer
thats fine
i dont like broccoli, never had it have no real reason to think that other then a dont like broccoli
Ok so now next time you adress this point we can disscuss it as value judgments rather than the former unproductive argument
Good talk, everyone have a good day!
Gand pe bhi lagege