Message from @ola

Discord ID: 754464960825786510

2020-09-12 22:09:00 UTC  


2020-09-12 22:09:07 UTC  


2020-09-12 22:09:10 UTC  


2020-09-12 22:09:53 UTC  

now im not saying its directly classical conditioning

2020-09-12 22:10:08 UTC  

It isn't.

2020-09-12 22:11:16 UTC  

but im highlighting how the mind works in associations and can def have sexual thought arise even if you are not attracted to minors

2020-09-12 22:11:48 UTC  

Define sexual thoughts please.

2020-09-12 22:12:00 UTC  

thoughts about sex

2020-09-12 22:12:25 UTC  

even emotions

2020-09-12 22:12:31 UTC  

would suffice

2020-09-12 22:12:58 UTC  

sometimes our associations manifest as emotions or even bodily responces

2020-09-12 22:13:24 UTC  

i'll hop on voice if someone wants to join me

2020-09-12 22:13:30 UTC  

im in

2020-09-12 22:13:31 UTC  

If I say any word, you have a thought about it. What animal are you thinking of right now. I am psychic, its elephants isn't.

2020-09-12 22:13:43 UTC  


2020-09-12 22:13:48 UTC  

Yes it is.

2020-09-12 22:13:55 UTC  


2020-09-12 22:14:09 UTC  

go in voice chat you two

2020-09-12 22:14:11 UTC  

im lying i thoughj of dog

2020-09-12 22:14:21 UTC  

why would i lie

2020-09-12 22:14:23 UTC  

As well as elephants.

2020-09-12 22:14:48 UTC  

hop in voice chat @ola

2020-09-12 22:15:39 UTC  

Yep, I will but quality of my call may not be good, voice sound wise, so...let me know if it's too bad. Ok.

2020-09-12 22:48:03 UTC

2020-09-12 22:59:43 UTC

2020-09-13 00:15:15 UTC  
2020-09-13 00:20:09 UTC  

The arbitrary boundaries we set for what's acceptable behavior our children is created with science. If we were following our instincts without any modulation any girl that was fertile would be free game. We just don't understand when the mind in the brain matures enough to help people make rational decisions. So it's subjective what is sexually explicit and I'm subjectively saying it's a bit much

2020-09-13 00:21:13 UTC  

I read somewhere that "society" exists primarily to curb the raping and murderous instincts of young men.

2020-09-13 00:21:28 UTC  

@tom hmmm

2020-09-13 00:21:47 UTC  

Im not online with voice now right?

2020-09-13 00:21:55 UTC  

That scared me

2020-09-13 00:22:00 UTC  

@King Kong I saw you on briefly.

2020-09-13 00:22:26 UTC  

Ooh ok than it's good. I'm not really able to talk now out loud

2020-09-13 00:22:33 UTC  


2020-09-13 00:22:39 UTC  

I think it's a lot more layered than that

2020-09-13 00:23:29 UTC  

Maybe I missed something but to hook in: society is a broad term right? I guess it's more that just to curb raping

2020-09-13 00:24:03 UTC  

I read somewhere that a frog wouldn't bump his ass if he had wings.

2020-09-13 00:24:16 UTC  

It's just a quote I can't place