Message from @tom
Discord ID: 754498113393393696
The arbitrary boundaries we set for what's acceptable behavior our children is created with science. If we were following our instincts without any modulation any girl that was fertile would be free game. We just don't understand when the mind in the brain matures enough to help people make rational decisions. So it's subjective what is sexually explicit and I'm subjectively saying it's a bit much
I read somewhere that "society" exists primarily to curb the raping and murderous instincts of young men.
@tom hmmm
Im not online with voice now right?
That scared me
@King Kong I saw you on briefly.
Ooh ok than it's good. I'm not really able to talk now out loud
I think it's a lot more layered than that
Maybe I missed something but to hook in: society is a broad term right? I guess it's more that just to curb raping
I read somewhere that a frog wouldn't bump his ass if he had wings.
It's just a quote I can't place
It's a joke
Ok i see
I'm also in the YT chat under Ferdinand
Hey guys and girls
Observing culture is a hoot as long as it's not burning your neighborhood
I do think his death was unnecessary and too. Violenent but completely understand your post
He was a criminal drug addict
Life has consequences we set our own stage most of the time and I know I've got the scars to prove it
Well I've got scars that prove I'm an idiot but I'll tell Brave stories instead
Take advantage of a gullible audience embellish more you'll be the bigger hero
Oooh nice one
King Kong
That fist looks awfully familiar.
what a waste of ink
Yeah that fist..
Communism or
What was it
Black. Power?
Yeah its been used alot...
Like the swastika