Message from @BobbyMack
Discord ID: 754553012252573736
Where did the name 'Pangburn' originate from?
It’s travis’s last name I presume
Can't I hashtag @ThePangburn
Is Pangburn your last name? Where does your channel name. Come from?
Just curious now im. Invested hahah
Hi @ThePangburn and all who were on voice chat when I left, sorry about that, but it was unavoidable. I hope i haven't missed my chance to have that row. But if i have, I presume I won by shouting "you're wrong" and storming off. Internet rules.
it's all quiet in here now
Hi! What are you talking about to yourself?
There are some folks chatting in the YouTube feed
text chat
Thx I'll have a look.
Yeah im multi tasking
Yes, ..
k i'll be there in 5 mins
The internet need more stuff like this for discussion👍
join the voice chat
I'm too shy for that
@BobbyMack we got cut off, I dont know why, maybe my internet? Sorry if so. Thanks a million for the chat, I had fun.
thanks @ola
@everyone I was preoccupied most of the day, but I hope you all had a great day on the battlefield. Mend those wounds. Tomorrow is another day. 😁✌
@everyone I am on voice for a bit!
When is the next live stream?
New battlefield will be set almost every day 👍
Sam Harris Appreciation OPEN MIC starts now! LET'S TALK ABOUT PSYCHEDELICS! 😛
For Sam Harris: When we meditate if it is not out of any "free will", when we meditate, are we merely lucky to find ourselves meditating?
No. He is muffled.
Would you tolerate a comment in voice from me? "_
Yeah, hop in dude!!
Ready upon your say so. 🙂
Just join us and say what you want :)
Don't want to talk over this chap right now.
You can mute yourself and talk when Trav takes a break
standing by
I think this chap is concerned with epistemology rather than morality.
I have unmuted myself, and I just attempted to speak, but I don't think you could hear me.
It would be nice to be able to make a voice comment on the (confused) way this chap seems to be using the word "objective".
Jump in and say that!
I am speaking into my mic and trying to get your attention in the chat, but with no effect.