Message from @BobbyMack

Discord ID: 754553012252573736

2020-09-13 00:42:46 UTC  

Where did the name 'Pangburn' originate from?

2020-09-13 00:43:21 UTC  

It’s travis’s last name I presume

2020-09-13 00:43:54 UTC  

Can't I hashtag @ThePangburn

2020-09-13 00:44:23 UTC  

Is Pangburn your last name? Where does your channel name. Come from?

2020-09-13 00:44:34 UTC  

Just curious now im. Invested hahah

2020-09-13 00:49:16 UTC  

Hi @ThePangburn and all who were on voice chat when I left, sorry about that, but it was unavoidable. I hope i haven't missed my chance to have that row. But if i have, I presume I won by shouting "you're wrong" and storming off. Internet rules.

2020-09-13 00:51:08 UTC  

it's all quiet in here now

2020-09-13 00:55:01 UTC  

Hi! What are you talking about to yourself?

2020-09-13 00:55:28 UTC  

There are some folks chatting in the YouTube feed

2020-09-13 00:55:37 UTC  

text chat

2020-09-13 00:56:07 UTC  

Thx I'll have a look.

2020-09-13 00:57:55 UTC  

Yeah im multi tasking

2020-09-13 01:02:27 UTC  


2020-09-13 01:09:47 UTC  

@ola you wanna finish those thoughts in voice?

2020-09-13 01:12:31 UTC  

Yes, ..

2020-09-13 01:12:49 UTC  

k i'll be there in 5 mins

2020-09-13 03:42:13 UTC  

The internet need more stuff like this for discussion👍

2020-09-13 03:42:42 UTC  

join the voice chat

2020-09-13 03:48:43 UTC  

I'm too shy for that

2020-09-13 04:01:05 UTC  

@BobbyMack we got cut off, I dont know why, maybe my internet? Sorry if so. Thanks a million for the chat, I had fun.

2020-09-13 04:04:17 UTC  

had a great time

2020-09-13 04:04:23 UTC  

thanks @ola

2020-09-13 05:03:45 UTC  

@everyone I was preoccupied most of the day, but I hope you all had a great day on the battlefield. Mend those wounds. Tomorrow is another day. 😁✌

2020-09-13 05:39:43 UTC  

@everyone I am on voice for a bit!

2020-09-13 06:56:57 UTC  

When is the next live stream?

2020-09-13 07:52:18 UTC  

New battlefield will be set almost every day 👍

2020-09-13 18:25:32 UTC  

Sam Harris Appreciation OPEN MIC starts now! LET'S TALK ABOUT PSYCHEDELICS! 😛

2020-09-13 18:44:47 UTC  

For Sam Harris: When we meditate if it is not out of any "free will", when we meditate, are we merely lucky to find ourselves meditating?

2020-09-13 19:04:23 UTC  

No. He is muffled.

2020-09-13 19:08:07 UTC  

Would you tolerate a comment in voice from me? "_

2020-09-13 19:08:30 UTC  

Yeah, hop in dude!!

2020-09-13 19:08:48 UTC  

Ready upon your say so. 🙂

2020-09-13 19:09:28 UTC  

Just join us and say what you want :)

2020-09-13 19:09:38 UTC  

Don't want to talk over this chap right now.

2020-09-13 19:10:07 UTC  

You can mute yourself and talk when Trav takes a break

2020-09-13 19:10:21 UTC  

standing by

2020-09-13 19:14:28 UTC  

I think this chap is concerned with epistemology rather than morality.

2020-09-13 19:16:49 UTC  

I have unmuted myself, and I just attempted to speak, but I don't think you could hear me.

2020-09-13 19:18:16 UTC  

It would be nice to be able to make a voice comment on the (confused) way this chap seems to be using the word "objective".

2020-09-13 19:18:34 UTC  

Jump in and say that!

2020-09-13 19:19:02 UTC  

I am speaking into my mic and trying to get your attention in the chat, but with no effect.