Message from @dogbref
Discord ID: 754793039251111941
Jump in and say that!
I am speaking into my mic and trying to get your attention in the chat, but with no effect.
We don't hear yoy
Trying to talk, but I guess you can't hear me.
Can't hear you, you're not in the chat
Like you're not even in the room
I am on YouTube as Commentator, and on Discord here (as you can see) as dogbref.
Whoops, You'll have to click in on the left there the "Live Youtube Feed."
which room should I just to be heard?
The one that we are all in, the live youtube one
meditation-accountablility, or live-youtube-feed-text?
Live youtube voice
ah, there now. 🙂
Sweet, unmute and chat :)
That would be demostrably false.
Take notes to remember your rebuttals.
Darth Dawkins seems emotional and dogmatic. I will give him a few more seconds. But it's becoming tiring.
Epistemology (/ɪˌpɪstɪˈmɒlədʒi/ ; from Greek ἐπιστήμη, epistēmē, meaning 'knowledge', and -logy) is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. Epistemologists study the nature of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues. Epistemology is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with ethics, logic, and metaphysics.
this is totally unproductive
Saying to people "you have not understood" is a terrible opener when people disagree with you Darth.
OK, this has broken down. I will come back and chat when Darth Dawkins is not here. Have a nice time guys.
The Vox interview is a great example as well 🙂
The BBC Hard Talks interview. Great Sam Harris example of self control that was mentioned earlier
What happened to @Thrax
I just sat in Matt Bitchahunty's call in show queue for an hour only for them to tell me 'sorry we're out of time'
talked to his secretary/mod on voice and everything
him and his fatman co-host must've seen the brief summary of my question and been scared
absolute pussies
Dillahunty has some sort of Freudian resentment towards Christianity. The man has never even published a single book.
Time to hang it up Matt. Take up woodworking or something
Anyway I only came back to shove that in Thrax's face, if you see him let him kno
<@296865989948211200> hi, brother!!! :D (he's actually my brother, I know we all call each other brother lol)