Message from @ola
Discord ID: 755340609639677993
we are an interesting bunch.
Dance Party. Youtube NOW. I'm going live!
@ThePangburn Shouldn't you have your YouTube on your Profile?
wanna hear a funky song
funkiest song ive ever heard
Phone call sorry
First youtube dance party is live! @everyone time to unwind! 馃榿馃榿馃榿馃榿
Groove is in the heart Dee-lite please
Never mind, your set is already good. Am dancing in kitchen.
@BiBi actually, that's not the study. The study I was referencing involved pre-school/kindergarten students.
Can someone explain epistemology to me? I don鈥檛 really get it
@kaizen How do you know what you know? What do you use to determine what is true?
@爪'讬谉 讛讻讜讘砖 诪注谞讬讬谉 讗讜转讬 诇讚注转, 讗转讛 讛讬砖专讗诇讬? 讗讜 住转诐 诪讗诪讬谉 砖讗专抓 讬砖专讗诇 讻讘讜砖讛?
讜讗转讛 诪专讙讬砖 拽爪转 "注讚讙壮讬" 讗讝 讗转讛 讻讜转讘 讗转 讛砖诐 砖诇讱 讘注讘专讬转 馃槅
Oh my God. Jews speaking the language of Mordor
lol wish i paid more attention in hebrew school
Only ever hear this guys talk when Jews are mentioned
Never met a guy that just really hates Jews lol
@T2the2ndpowr are you saying someone in this chatroom does?
That was me memeing
But I do hate Jews for the most part for real. Proud anti-semite here
open to elaborating on that sometime?
to continue this conversation head over to <#735258541409173596>
@therealdandan讞讞讞 讗谞讬 讬砖专讗诇讬, 爪'讬谉 讛讻讜讘砖 讝讜 讚诪讜转 诪住讚专讛
free palestine